Cat contracts coronavirus FROM sick owner in new case of human-to-animal transition

in #covid194 years ago

As scientists around the world battle for a cure or vaccine to Covid-19, a new case of human-to-animal transmission has arisen in Belgium, where health experts say a cat contracted the disease from its coronavirus-stricken owner.  

Just one week after the pet owner in Liege, Belgium was diagnosed with Covid-19, their cat also started showing symptoms of the disease, including respiratory problems and diarrhea. 

As panic over the outbreak keeps gaining ground, spokesman for Belgium's coronavirus crisis center, Emmanuel Andre, tried to reassure the public that the infected animal was an “isolated case.”  

“There is no reason to think that animals are vectors of the epidemic,” he told local media, and the risk of people becoming sick from their pet remains extremely low. Andre added that the cat contracted the disease due to “close contact between the animal and the master.” 

FILE PHOTO © Sputnik / Natalia Seliverstova

There has only been one other known case to date involving a pet becoming infected with Covid-19 by its owner. In early March, a dog in Hong Kong was placed in quarantine after it tested “weakly positive” for the virus. 

As for the human toll of the coronavirus in Belgium, 289 people have died, with 1,049 new cases confirmed in the last 24 hours bringing the total cases there since the pandemic began to 7,284. 



“There is no reason to think that animals are vectors of the epidemic,” he told local media, and the risk of people becoming sick from their pet remains extremely low. Andre added that the cat contracted the disease due to “close contact between the animal and the master.”

The bad news for our feline friends is there is a reason to think that humans are vectors of the epidemic.

Damn it. That poor cat.

I hope too he or she will get well soon ! It's sad that bioweapon, engineered by the gmo / biotech / biohacking industry cost so much to all of us, for a very short lived profits for the insiders... what yield would really the usa have lost by staying fully non gmo like all smart nation do? a few less money for some senators and killary friends...

and wait for what is gonna jump from the aquabounty salmons... that's (or something along those lines, shrimps with spyider dna, or crabs with leopard proteins) the big lee events...

but what to do? ghislaine maxwell is free like a bird, killary fundation roaming (emf regulations, gmo regulations etc)... so...

and the iq of the american people, avg, has never been lower, intended to use the usa as the goons for the one world gov project (which collapsed in the outskirt of bagdad, failed miserably in the valleys of afghanistsan, will get nuked at the border of Russia and taken over by the central adminsitrative state of china...

so you know... wake up !

Whats the point of waking up? We can't do anything. It's better to try live your life avoid the bad things as much as you can. You can't do more. If you do they eventually lock you up.

this the coward path, putin and his friends didn't took it... that's the difference between real men, and sheeps...

Being a Sheep is participation in the system thinking you can change it. Hoping to take control, if you do, you get trapped. Keys to power and all that. You end up being a caretaker constantly being watchful of all the sociopaths wanting to take your place.

a sheep obeys to the sheepdogs when he is hungry...

This isn't a good sign at all, if it goes one way it'll go the other, this disease or any other one.

the cat feedback loop could be massive... thank you americans for gmo... /sarc

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