Important Info About Covid19steemCreated with Sketch.

in #covid194 years ago

• This virus is not a living creature, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective fat layer, which when absorbed by mucous cells in the eye, nose or oral cavity, will change its gene structure (mutate), and change it to attack and multiplier cells.


• Because this virus is not a living creature, but a protein molecule, this virus is not killed, but decomposes on its own. The decomposition time depends on the temperature, humidity, and what type of material is attached.

• This virus is very fragile, the only thing that protects is a thin layer of fat on the outside. That is why any soap or detergent is the best antidote, because foam removes fat (that's why we have to rub a lot for 20 seconds to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, protein molecules decompose themselves.

• Heat melts fat, so it is best to use water above 25 ° C to wash hands, clothes and anything else. Hot water also makes more foam and makes it more useful.

• Any alcohol or mixture with 65% alcohol will dissolve any fat, especially the outer fat layer of this virus

• Mix 1 part bleach solution with 5 parts water immediately break down protein and break it down from the inside

• Oxidized water can help but only after soap, alcohol and chlorine are used, because peroxide dissolves fat but we have to use it in a pure state and it will hurt our skin.

• No bacterial killer works. Viruses are not living things like bacteria, what is not alive cannot be killed with antibiotics, it can only be decomposed quickly with the structure of the ingredients mentioned above.

• Do not compete for clothes, bed sheets or fabric that has been used or not used. Although this virus is attached to a porous surface, it is very inactive and decomposes in only 3 hours (on fabric and porous objects), 4 hours (on copper, because it is antiseptic in nature and on wood, because wood removes moisture and keeps the virus not loose and unraveled), 24 hours on cardboard, 42 hours on metal, and 72 hours on plastic. But if we shake or speed it up, or use a feather duster, the virus molecules will float in the air for up to 3 hours and can stick to our nose.

• Virus molecules remain very stable in the cold outside air or unnatural cold air such as from air conditioners in homes and cars. This virus also needs moisture to remain stable and especially needs a dark state. So a dry, non-humid, warm and bright environment will eliminate this virus faster.

• UltraViolet light on any object can break this viral protein. For example, to sterilize and reuse masks, this method is great. Be careful .. UV rays also break collagen (collagen is also a protein) in the skin and can later cause wrinkles and skin cancer

• This virus cannot penetrate healthy skin

• Vinegar is not useful because vinegar cannot break down the protective layer of virus fat

• No alcoholic drinks or Vodka that functions the loudest vodka contain at most 40% alcohol and we need 65%

• Listerine will work because listerine has 65% alcohol content

• The more closed a space is, the more viruses are concentrated there. The more open or more natural the ventilation of the room, the less virus accumulates there.

• This has been said most often, but we still have to wash our hands before and after touching mucus / mucus, food keys, knobs, switches, remote control, cellphones, watches, computers, desks, TVs etc ... also after going to the toilet / bathroom.

• We must moisturize dry hands because we wash our hands too often because virus molecules can hide in cracks in the skin's very small cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better. Also, keep your nails short so the virus doesn't hide between your nails.

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