
in #covid194 years ago

Covid-19 is a man-made virus from North Carolina which moved to Wuhan in 2015. Covid has HIV-insertions and other unique features. Covid was sent to America from China, an act of war. Big tech is censoring the video of Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr Li Meng Yan who is a virologist whistleblower who confirms Covid-19 came from a lab from Wuhan, China. Twitter suspended Yan.

Lab Created Covid

When you scan over Covid-19, you find the insertion points, like plastic surgery, like when a woman has fake boobs, the machine is able to see how the Covid virus is a chimera, that is part this virus and part this other virus and part other viruses; part these certain genes and part these other genes. The machine can even tell you how and where the genes, the specific insertions, came from. Actual serial numbers. Why are people still getting Covid if people are wearing masks?

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2020-09-16 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-16 - Wednesday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-16 20:50:21 Drug Feminist.png
@w_hole uploaded a Tik Tok video about stopping the evil orange Hitler.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Information You Can Gobble

Despacito Joe

America First. Taught English in Vietnam. From Oregon. Writer. Artist. Filmmaker. Web designer. Creator. Athlete. Gardener. Historian. Builder. Etc. Seattle Area.

Sounds pretty Despacito.

Epic. Put this on YouTube Rewind.

Will Smith: "That's hot."

So Despacito.

Hillary Biden Clinton

Is that a wear a mask parody?

I took it as a parody because it made me laugh how silly it was. Who is dumb enough to fall for it? Especially the end. Not just the yelling over and over again, "Wear a mask," but also the eating chicken through the mask.


You Are What You Eat

Let's all get DESPACITO and dance around naked.

We all got DESPACITO Heard Mentality.

Pink Floyd - Another Brick on the Despacito Wall

We just need our DESPACITO VACCINES!!!!

Make Despacito Senior Citizens Great Again


Learn English You Can Eat


Real-Life Barbie Valeria

12:00 PM - Article about a girl

She claims no plastic surgery, just diet, exercise, etc. But she eventually on to admit she did get surgeries done.

She goes on water fasting which is good of course. They call it being a breatharian. But that simply means not just breathing but also drinking water. That is just a fancy way of saying you are fasting which is healthy to do.

But she goes on to say she believes in living off no food or water like plants do. Actually, plants eat dirt, water, sunlight, oxygen, soil, etc. Oh, she also talks about drinking juice which is food.

She is a model, book writer, opera singer. She believes in Hinduism, which is why she promotes the art of not eating which is actually suicide. She probably knows some Russian or at least sings some Russian songs I think.

She believes she is an alien, that her DNA is otherworldly.

She struggles with insomnia.

Like her dad, she became a DJ. She looks like her mom, mostly. A doctor said she might be like a psychic. Music does heal people. She found her Ken and married him.

She started working out more to develop muscles to look less slim and more toned.

Why was Joe Biden late to his rally?

He was listening to Despacito over and over again. Great song.

Playstation 5

How many bits does a Playstation 5 have compared something like Nintendo 64?

Playstation 4 had 4,096 bits according to a random forum post I found. But then again, the bit number may be more a resolution, a GPU score, or something like that as opposed to being an overall score of like CPU, RAM, HDD, speed, memory, cache, etc.

She believes in what she is saying, she is trying to make a point of how important it is to save the world from an evil orange man, from her perspective.

Yeah, some of us do not talk like her. But I might. The way she talked reminds me of Steven Crowder in some of his comedy skits.

What, Tik Tok is not dead yet? I better try harder then.
Yeah, there are arsonists, smart meters, and also a lack of enough fire breaks.

Han Solo had a better story arch, so I prefer the overall story of Solo finding true love. But specifically, Indiana Jones seems to be a Jackie Chan Sherlock Holmes.

I never knew Despacito could ever be that Despacito.

Kamala Harris said she doesn't want the vaccine. Tell your Democratic friends that one.

Twitter vs Kanye West

She is totally a feminist druggy.


The 100

2020-09-16 - Wednesday - 02:40 AM - 03:25 AM - The 100 409

Ravin talks to the good AI about space walking while her brain rots. Meanwhile, the one guy encourages a dozen young adults to die in the radiation while partying as opposed to running off to the bunker.

Clark gets black blood and becomes the commander in order to unify the clans within the bunker.

2020-09-16 - Wednesday - 03:25 AM - 04:07 AM - The 100 410

They fight to death to determine who gets the bunker. The warrior girl plays hide and seek during the battle like a Tiffany would. SHe wins but then sky crew betrayed everyone in the end, locked the doors to the Noah's Ark of a crypt bunker.

Project Veritas

10:56 AM - McGrath staffer on Hidden Cam Encourages lying; 'Don't talk about policy' "She doesn't" support Coal

They say they have to appeal to Trump voters in order to win, even if that means lying as politicians do.

Like snakes.

Answers in Genesis

11:04 AM - O Sacred Neck? - Answers News: September 16, 2020

Synthetic can be dangerous.

Honey and garlic have healing properties.

I am not going to say there is no life on other planets.

@OranDrite, nobody said you cannot be subtle and smooth and gradual.

@TropicalPower, but the Bible is our foundation, we should focus on that first.

@TropicalPower, history is a wonderful thing to explore.

Planned Parenthood

@icecoffee 13, salvation is by grace through faith. God gives people the opportunity to accept Christ.

@James Lindon, I support maximizing free markets.

I endorse adoption over abortion.

Jesus is God.

God is a trinity and salvation is three-folded: justification, sanctification, glorification.

God became flesh.

If at all possible, live at peace with all men, said the Apostle Paul.

Which came first, Judeo Christianity or other religions? The answer is the former over the latter.

@Always_ Faithful, eternal principles are evident everywhere.

Ken Ham taught at my school, WOLBI, I met him.

We love our poodles.

@C K, I know. American eugenics from the 1920's.

Romans 13

Life is about individual choices.

Carbon Dating can only go back so many years.

Madision Not Mao

11:33 AM - The Alex Jones Show | 1st Hour Wed 9/16/20

Covid was sent to America from China, an act of war.

Big tech is censoring the video of Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr Li Meng Yan who is a virologist whistleblower who confirms Covid-19 came from a lab from Wuhan, China. Twitter suspended Yan.

Actually, before it was moved over to Wuhan from North Carolina in 2015.

Do you want to become a puppet? If so, get chipped.

Dr. Li Meng Yan was working in the WHO main lab in Hong Kong.

Oliver Darcy is censoring Kanye West on Twitter.

"We're all super heroes, spiritually." Alex Jones

Bill Gates funded at least 20 Wuhan programs.

Some science labs have these top rated machines which can scan and evaluate viruses and other things.

When they scan over Covid-19, you find the insertion points, like plastic surgery, like when a woman has fake boobs, the machine is able to see how the Covid virus is a chimera, that is part this virus and part this other virus and part other viruses; part these certain genes and part these other genes. The machine can even tell you how and where the genes, the specific insertions, came from. Actual serial numbers.

In Houston, they're going door to door taking blood samples. That is a 4th amendment violation.

Covid-19 is a man-made virus from North Carolina which moved to Wuhan in 2015. Covid has HIV-insertions and other unique features.

Fox News

01:19 PM - Live: Biden to discuss developing a coronavirus vaccine

flu shot gives you the flu

harris said no vaccine, she does not want any

but biden wants some and trump says one is coming, but they do not want his vaccine

Stefan Molyneux


Dr Walter Block joins Stefan Molyneux for a riveting discussion of the personal and political paths to true freedom - and how a stateless society can handle hot-button issues such as national defense, pandemics, immigration and education!

Hitler tried pushing the Nazis into power and was sent to jail for it. After that, wrote a book while in prison, got out, and then snuck himself in like Obama did.

Ron Gibson


Was the Matt Drudge Report bought by CNN or kidnapped or what happened?

Election transition team is run by George Soros.

Cities will burn when Trump wins in November of 2020 for a second term, ANtifa, BLM, and other terrorist groups will accelerate in

General Shepherd

11:28 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Wednesday - 9/16/20

Ginrich mentioned what Soros did and Fox News cut him off. They were interviewing him but then said they will not talk about Soros who funds Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc.


10:50 AM - Coffee. Banana. Vitamins, skipped yesterday, stomach a little boated but starting to recover. 02:30 PM - dishes. 03:10 PM - shower. 03:35 PM - back to scanning. Infowars. 04:30 PM - Off to the clam. Chinese food. I mentioned China Garden in FG or Cornelius. I read all of Psalms 37. Good chapter. I talked about 1 of 3 main causes of forest fires, lack of fire breaks. Others may include the arsonists and smart meters among other things. Help groups of people and also yourself as seen with Abraham leaving Sodom & Gomorrah. Good to talk about television and homeschooling. Difference between fire smoke and rain clouds. Oh, smoke is blacker, greyer, darker. Hard to breath. Reduce regulations. Good to experience different countries. I talked about Tet. Oh, you were in Japan for 10 days in Japan? Oh, Jo was in Singapore and Europe. Demisexual means you need emotion bond before you can continue with sexual intercourse and bonding. Who isn't like that? They should be. Saw that on Facebook around 08:00 PM. Be back Sunday at the clam. Road block down I saw.

erin 2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn swallow Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Some Democrats have said they don't want the vaccine which would lead some on the left to say, "Huh?"

We should always let people know what they put in vaccines, most people don't know.

This might be even cooler than Despacito.

1988, 60 Minutes interview with Gyorgy Schwartz (George Soros)

Best 'You Had One Job' Moments

She Became a Barbie Doll

[What kind of life do you want?](

Covid was sent to America from China, an act of war.

Mistakes in Films

The media very Despacito.

Because Twitter is very Despacito for you know.

What do old people when they retire?

Desperate Cheeto is a fun song, how did Biden know this? Does he have a time machine or something? What a fun Trump song.

Get this party started down with the police

That tends to be the irony of life when we're not loved by the ones we wish while truly admired by the ones we know little about.

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