Bill Gates and the implications of exclusively focussing on him

in #covid194 years ago

Looking at the history and connections of the people involved in the WHO and other organisations playing pivotal roles in the current WHO declared pandemic, Bill Gates certainly stands out. It thus doesn't surprise that a lot of criticism is now being directed at the man, his foundation and the legion of willing helpers in governemnts, NGOs and other organisations around the globe.

I am not saying the attention is undeserved, I am not saying the attention isn't nessecary, but allow me to remind you of the two key culprits in this unprecedented global attack of totalitarians on even the most basic preconditions for life, freedom of movement and freedom of association:

They are government cadres and their enablers. That is you and me.

It is well known that all government is based on violence. Governments are nothing but organised crime syndicates, yet you and I are still supporting them. Yes, even me, who doesn't vote, speaks against government at every opportunity and on purpose throttles his income below the income tax treshold ... I am, for instance, still paying VAT on basically every transaction that I make.

Prior to the shutdown caused economic crisis the German government for instance made about 650 million Euros - PER DAY - by VAT alone. Guess what this money buys them? Among other things, it buys them emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped individuals that become their thugs. They call them police and military, but their function is the same the thug has in the non-governmental mafia. There is plenty of footage of the behavior of these guys to prove that way too many are simply immature, scared lovers of violence, enjoying their opportunity to live out their inner sadist.

Your and my continued support, albeit involuntarily, is what enables their armies of thugs, which in return enables the lawmakers and their "advisors" like Bill Gates, to arbitrarily wreak havoc on the global population.

Yes, Bill Gates and his crew need to be watched closely, but the actual problem is not Bill Gates, it's you and me, not doing enough to end the age of governments, and bring about an age without rulers.


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