Body Donation And The DNA Vaccine 2.0 Upgrade Pandemic - Enjoy with Troy!

in #covid193 years ago

Body Donation For Reward

Would you donate your body to science while you are still alive? It takes 10 - 15 years to normally create a safe vaccine, yet these MRNA shots are available in less than a year. That is warp speed... or a warped agenda.

To sweeten the jab, guinea people... are being bribed with Free donuts, burgers, French fries, beer, lottery tickets and even a million dollars. Yet, the one thing the public is not being offered is peered reviewed clinical studies proving it's safe and efficacy. I say, if the cocktail vaccines were safe and good, they would not have to hyper market to the public. These vaccine propaganda would not be necessary. It turns on the alert sirens and I wonder what their real agenda is.



Or Social Shaming

The employees of Walmart are being offered time off, with pay, to take the jab. Walmart is pressuring all employees to get the injection. They no longer need to wear their masks, once they have been poked. I have a good friend who works there. He refuses to take the jab, and now greets customers at the door without a mask. His supervisor knows he has not been vaccinated and has confronted him. My friend told him it would be breaking the HIPPA laws, if he was asked. His supervisor walked away with his head down.

You would think they would be more concerned about the pandemics of abortion, child trafficking or the abuse of the elderly. But that would not serve their depopulation efforts.

I am a church organist. The bishop has said that if you are vaccinated, you no longer have to wear a mask. Yet, the unvaccinated must remain covered in their face diapers. I wonder if I should do the same as my Walmart friend did. If we continue wearing masks, we are singled out and shamed by the public. If we shed the masks, we subjecting ourselves to being called a liar.

Then there are folks who prefer hiding behind the mask. Emotion can be covered up as people take refuge in becoming a zombie. Feelings cannot dirty the scene in the same way a men's hat kept hair clean in a former age.

Speaking of shedding, it seems the vaccinated are shedding the virus to unvaccinated through skin to skin contact. That seems so Orwellian and inverse of what you would expect. Maybe, it is better I don't have a girlfriend. And yet, these vaccinated have now had their immune systems altered. The vaccine takes over our natural immune systems. Over the next year, they are more vulnerable to sickness, death and the depopulation effort.

The DNA Agenda

I believe these masquerading vaccines are bio weapons, designed to rewrite our DNA and depopulate. This was tried before in the days of Noah and Genesis 6. The fallen angels had sex with earthly women, and we got the Goliath's of the world. The gene pool became corrupt. God brought the flood to destroy the corrupt gene pool and start over.

This plan is being reintroduced though the global vaccine agenda and efforts to alter your DNA. But it does not stop there. The government needs your DNA so they can control your brain.I guess was the unsuccessful test run to voluntarily provide it to a collective database. - - Over the past 25 years, we have been tracked on the internet through Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and countless other sites. Imagine the day when we can no longer rewrite or erase our emails. With the use of our DNA, they will tap directly into your brain. They will be able to use mind control without your knowledge. Below is a recent video by Bryan Kofron that explains it.

Updating the Obsolete - Serving the State

Perhaps one day we will be vaccinated through the air we breathe.

Science is ahead of where they tell us they are by at least 50 years. Sadly, humans are looked at as machines with components. Writing on our DNA is light years ahead of what we can do o our laptops. We are not the owners of our bodies. If we were, there would not be an agenda to chip us. If we owned our bodies, we would not have a identification number (Social Security) or looked at as a corporation at tax time. With the singularity and merger of AI, we are fast becoming obsolete. They believe we are no longer able to determine our own destiny, and we are becoming zombified. This reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode, 'The Obsolete Man' (1961) The clip is about 8 minutes.

Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. Hell is the absence of truth and God.

So are you getting your 2.0 human update? I believe man can never improve on what God perfectly created.

So if you serve the state, you are no longer as obsolete. I will chose to serve a much higher power than any government earth can provide. . It has been said that the vaccine turns off our empathy and spirituality. One person thought of it as only being connected by an ambilocal cord. I don't know. But I do know one thing...

The Vaccine is the Pandemic

And you are their guinea pig experimental test, should you chose to be.

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