Fewer than 4 in 10 Canadians want a Covid-19 Vaccine

in #covid194 years ago

The mainstream media continues to barrage the public with articles to conjure demand for a vaccine against the latest coronavirus. Even their manipulated polling suggests that only 39% of Canadians would currently be willing to accept the jab, down from 46% in July. Every effort is being made from every possible angle to threaten, scare, coerce, trick, and outright force compliance with the as-yet undeveloped Bill-Gates-sponsored concoction, which will bypass the normal 10 year period of safety testing, and be administered "FREE" to ALL Canadians.

As usual, the media puts up the face of a non-white female "expert" to represent the state, trotted out from nowhere to silence criticism. After all, you're not racist and sexist, are you? Listen to the brown lady, take the jab, stop being such a paranoid conspiracy theorist! It doesn't matter that her points are baseless emotional appeals and logical fallacies, we are to believe her unquestioningly because she's female AND because she's non-white. It's a sexist and racist tactic, which ironically uses the public's fear of being called sexist and racist against themselves.

Canadians who aren't pro-vaccine are filled with misinformation they got from non-experts, according to the expert.

The "vaccine-hesitant" believe they are exceptional and that the virus won't affect them, she claims. She challenges: If you're exceptional and won't get the illness, aren't you also so exceptional you won't get sick from the vaccine? You can't have it both ways, she insinuates.

"There's a very clear difference between vaccine-hesitant and anti-vaccine."

"Vaccine-hesitant are 15 to 30 per cent of Canadians, and they tend to come from all walks of life. They're pretty educated about their own health. These are pretty motivated people and it takes a lot of bravery and courage to face this fear. We spend a lot of time building rapport and trust with them, and pair up with a parent to support them as they're making this decision to vaccinate [their child]. We work very hard at not making this some kind of philosophical debate."

It's brazen to openly admit you steer debate away from the philosophical, which refers to the use of logic (and avoidance of fallacy) to reach the truth. They're literally admitting they avoid logical discussion on this topic, and that's supposed to be a good thing!? Incredible.

"My hope is that every Canadian will have the opportunity of having the COVID vaccine and therefore have to make this decision."

Gee, thank you doctor! Whatever would we do without such clear and salient medical knowledge from our experts!?

Canada's "top doctor". Again, you know you can trust this person just by looking at their face, right? You wouldn't dare to contradict a disabled female immigrant... would you?

Meanwhile, Canada's TOP doctor (ooOOooOOOoh), Theresa Tam, says relying on herd immunity won't save us. While meant to encourage vaccination compliance by disparaging Sweden's tactic of minimal intervention, for those of us with any real medical knowledge (and/or common sense), it has the opposite effect. That's because we know vaccines themselves work via herd immunity - not acquired naturally, but obtained through vaccination, aka artificial immunity. If herd immunity isn't going to work against covid-19, then vaccination is completely pointless.

You can't have it both ways!

If herd immunity is ineffective against this particular virus, how can vaccines (artificial herd immunity) be our only hope?

If herd immunity won't work, pushing an untested vaccine on the public is not only unwise, it's diabolical. So which is it? (That's rhetorical. We know from Sweden's outcome that herd immunity clearly DOES stop the pandemic, but that fact is never brought up by the mainstream media, politicians, or their "experts".)

So what we have here is a mainstream media that is blatantly lying to the public, with a clear agenda, obvious bias, lack of logic, and surplus of emotional appeals. Anyone who doesn't side with them is labeled a conspiracy theorist or an "anti-vaxxer". The lengths they're clearly willing to go to pull this off are frightening and telling. A disinfo campaign against every Canadian, funded by their own tax dollars, meant to frighten and confuse and force compliance.

It's no wonder barely 1 in 3 Canadians is thinking about accepting the jab, even though our government continues to threaten to make it mandatory (administered via force if necessary).

Your body, your choice

Just say "no" to untested "Warp-Speed" vaccines, especially ones created/promoted by known eugenicists like Bill Gates. That's a recipe for disaster every prudent person with any sense of self-preservation should balk at. It's not paranoia to distrust someone you know is lying right to your face.


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