Why am i not surprised ?

in #covid194 years ago

i thought we were taken over though .. must have been some "bad news" seeped through somewhere

i can see why they would

let bad news seep through ...

from statista

say not 'we own that image', say thank you, SIR, for the free advertising but you can leave the sir and gimme a share if you like :p

Spain has found the solution : open up tourism :D ... (no shit ...) - > it's taking too long

and let the dead be dead

and here ...

well ....

why am i not surprised despite the number of cops and hospitals per square metre on average and the state of healthcare which is pretty dam' good (expensive maybe but good AND in soviet hellgium EVERYONE has state-enforced health-insurance btw ... something they gonna regret by next year i suppose and then there will be solidarity levvies ... there already is ONE ... so i assume there will be more HAAAAHAH, yay!)

but if no one takes responsibility

and the gov't doesn't enforce when no one does

im really not surprised

so far other than me i've seen less than 10 people wearing a mask outside and not just that

distancing ? is wha t? i said in an earlier post i need a can of mace or pepperspray with small print that says

"if you can read this ...."

truly ...

i have no idea how many new taxes they will invent

i never hear K.I. was actually a TAX ... b/c based on fictional income you dont actually get you pay a percentage of that in taxes ... WE ALREADY HAVE THAT ...

so im not sure ... electricity is taxed as luxury goods ...

maybe co² tax for breathing

(they have tax like : all new houses MUST have a raincollector pit, HOWEVER ... that water from the sky ain't free : you're taxed on that ... and stuff like : solar panels are a MUST but ... you can't just use the energy , you need to push it through the grid , and the grid will deliver it to your house and .. guess what you have to pay for that ... AND ... and .... and ...)

and everyone always thinks im exaggerating

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