The new normal

in #covid4 years ago (edited)

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What does the new normal mean ? What does it mean to me, in that what I do differently now than I did 6 months ago and why do the words ‘a new normal’ bother me?

What’s changed ?

on the whole I wash my hands more
I’ve stopped hugging people I meet
I don’t go to the pub yet
I don’t go out to a restaurant yet, so I’m saving money
I work from home
I don’t go to the gym currently

So yes if this was my normal it’s not any longer !

Is this good or bad?

It isn’t either, it’s just how things are right now.

I have had a chance to review my life if you like, to really consider what is normal, and how we have been living one really can’t say is normal, this world is fucked and is getting fuckeder (new normal word ) by the day.

People losing homes,jobs,loved ones; from a system that was broken, a system that was never normal - if you look at normal being equal, it’s not. Those that have the luxury of creating ‘ a new normal’ and not being effected too much by CV are those that had an abnormal life anyways - ‘the haves of this world - the politicians that have no idea what being a normal person is like, mega billionaires, with so much money they could Never spend it in one life time.

Until we stop and bring everything back into balance and start over with a clean slate a new normal will never be possible, perhaps Covid is here for that reason, to show us what we have become as a virus to this planet, everyday I see masks and gloves just thrown on the street feet away from a bin. If we can’t do something simple like put our rubbish in a bin after we have been wearing a mask to so called protect others what chance have we got of being normal ? Because really we just do as we are told out of fear and don’t really care about another human being or the planet. We just blindly fall
from one fuck up to another, and this virus will continue until we stand equal and one with the normality of best for all equal and one and stop the abuse that we inflict on ourselves and others as blind spitefulness and ignorance.

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