COVID-19 (part 2) the virus has reached me [EN]-[IT]

in #covid3 years ago

COVID-19: In these days my family and I have been fighting against the coronavirus. Currently I test negative and the obligation of isolation has been lifted. I am fine, but some of my family members are still struggling with the virus. Unfortunately, the virus has reached all members of my family and the older ones are the ones who suffer the most. So I'm not free yet, but I'll have some time to read and comment on your posts. Later I will also come back to write the posts in the STEEMIT community.

COVID-19: In questi giorni io e la mia famiglia abbiamo lottato contro il coronavirus. Attualmente io risulto negativo ai test e mi è stato tolto l’obbligo dell’isolamento. Io sto bene, ma alcuni dei miei familiari stanno ancora lottando contro il virus. Purtroppo il virus ha raggiunto tutti i membri della mia famiglia e i più anziani sono quelli che soffrono maggiormente. Quindi ancora non sono libero, ma avró un po’ di tempo per leggere e commentare i vostri post. Più avanti tornerò anche io a scrivere i post per la comunitá di STEEMIT.

Posted using PLAY STEEM


Hi @stefano.massari ,We must give thanks to GOD that you are well, we have faith that the members of your family will also be well, I feel happy for your recovery and you know that I am very honest, if it were not like that I would not say anything, continue taking care of yourself ,welcome you my friend, I don't give you a hug because I can't ha ha ha, but your recovery really makes me happy.

unfortunately I still have many worries, not for me but for my parents. I hope that this week they too can improve their situation. Now I'm taking care of them.

Take some vitamin C regularly in large doses @stefanomassari it will give you resistance to the virus. :)

thanks for the advice. I just bought some vitamin C tablets

thanks for the advice. I just bought some vitamin C tablets


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