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RE: North Carolina mask mandates ignored by large portions of the state

in #covid3 years ago

Thank you for being there and showing us.

I am now operating on the idea that I am a community of one, doing the very same thing you are in a supportive community. I hope to gather others to me. I live in the suburbs of NYC and so far, I have gathered a few. We are visible, and showing others that they too could choose to live without fear.

Some businesses, even around here, have removed all signage regarding masks - these businesses I patronize. Some have signs encouraging them - these signs I ignore. Those stores that require masks for all customers, I do not do business with in any way.

I did not attend a family wedding because I would have been required BOTH to have a negative covid test AND to wear a mask while there.

covid does not exist in my tiny world.

I would sure like to live where the whole of you does this. What a beautiful thing.


well what you are doing is much more admirable than what I am doing. It is far easier to have a stance and stick with it when you have the support of the community. I suppose that is one thing I really like about my community - we don't agree on everything but for the most part we come together in solidarity on the things that matter.

I don't think I could ever live in a suburb of NYC or any other big city for that matter. I mean no offense to you of course or to really anyone else because it just isn't in my nature - I try to be as kind as I can - but that ay of life just isn't for me.

Do you ever go and revisit your Appalachian roots?

I am working on moving back there. Their jab rate is the lowest in the state, and their interest in freedom much higher than it is here. I'm hoping to find more like minded people there. Here, I know only a few. Thank goodness for them, or I would have had to go full-on hermit.

their interest in freedom much higher than it is here

This is becoming increasingly important i think. I guess I am fortunate to live where I do and never really contemplated leaving it

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