The establishment know what they're doing and have been moving in this direction for decades.

in #covid3 years ago


Because 99.7% of those infected by Covid survive, I believe the biggest cause of premature death from Covid will be poverty related issues that occur because of Covid policies. I do not believe the establishment, that exists to create wealth and maintain power, was or is so incompetent they didn’t expect this as a direct result of the lockdown policies.

I wonder if there’s something going on at the subconscious level where the policy makers and their puppets understand what these policies are leading to but don’t dare speak about it even among themselves. The real question is what are the intentions of the individuals who are most influential, and what will be the end results of their policies.

The damage to the economy is not yet fully felt, while the truth about the economic collapse is that it was fifty years in the making. If we start from the point where the dollar was taken of the gold standard, we wouldn’t be in these circumstances if not for other globalist policies that included shifting Western manufacturing to low wage countries. Add to that the globalist/Zionist preplanned and fake “War on Terrorism” for elite profits at taxpayer expense, plus the bank and corporate bailouts over the last forty years. It was really the event of 9-11 that allowed them to kick exploitation into high gear while they’ve been working to extract as much wealth out of the West as the controlled demolition of the “Covid” economy continues thanks to the printing of fiat currency which is facilitating the biggest bottom up wealth transfer in human history with the bulk going straight to banks and multinational corporations. Also as part of Covid policies - the public receives enough of a comparable fiat pittance to flatten the curve on outrage by stretching out the timeline of destruction and slowing the speed at which the “system” (read decision makers) excludes an increasing percent of the population from meaningful participation in the system.

Intentional by design or not, this is imo what has happened and what is happening. Are various aspects of the establishment too caught up in their personal circumstances and aspirations to see clearly, or are they simply incompetent, maybe both? Then there’s still the question of criminal intent and to what extent the establishment is waging a multifaceted war against the Western public. For the record, I don’t believe they’re that incompetent while all of this was predictable with the last fifty years of Western globalist policies moving us in this direction.

Most all of us are being controlled by various financial incentives and career opportunities. Ironically, almost everything we consume adds to the wealth and power of those at the top echelons of the system while a portion of their profits are used to further corrupt politicians, policies, and the system itself with the help of the entire Western establishment propaganda “news and entertainment industries.”

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