NYC reports zero COVID deaths - Herd Immunity achieved?

in #covid4 years ago


I have been claiming for about a month now that NYC has herd immunity - but most folks don't believe me.

This drop in deaths clearly didn't happen because of lockdown - many other places like LA also locked down and cases are still rising here.

Sweden also has herd immunity. They are nearly done with the pandemic with no masks, no lockdown, no closing of businesses or schools.

If Sweden had done a better job of protecting nursing homes they would have had very few deaths.

We are being fed a bunch of alarmist crap from an elite that is desperately manipulating this crisis to roll out a mandatory vaccine.

Time to wake up out of the trance. The low-risk should not be wearing masks in public - that only slows down our march to herd immunity.

Its become clear that many have gotten the virus but only developed T-cell immunity - their bodies fought off the infection so easily that they didn't need to develop antibodies.

For every person with antibodies in Sweden - there are 3 people with T-cell immunity - but nobody has been testing for that. In Sweden the virus is fading away fast even though only 10% have measurable antibodies.

Time to push back against the elite's attempt to eliminate our medical freedoms. These tactics are actually extending the crisis - not resolving it.

The best strategy from now on is if everything opens up - the low-risk get back to work and mingle without masks or social distancing.

The vast majority of the low-risk will not even develop any symptoms. We just need to get our collective immunity up - like NYC did - and we will soon be without any deaths.

I will count to three and snap my fingers and you will wake up out of the CDC / WHO induced fear trance...

1, 2, 3, SNAP!

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