I wanna know what you think about Covid

in #covid4 years ago

It's kind of dominated our lives this year and fortunately for me I live in a country that, at least from a boots on the ground perspective, hasn't been to harsh on their citizens as far as lockdowns and restrictions are concerned. We also have one of the lowest death counts of any nation in the world.

The thing that doesn't make sense to me when I look at the death counts elsewhere in the world is strange because...

  1. The medical care in Vietnam is perfectly adequate, but it certainly isn't world-class
  2. We were open for several weeks after other countries had already started to panic and had closed their borders
  3. We only had the sort of lockdown the USA and other countries are dealing with for about a month.. we have NONE at the moment
  4. We share a border with China... 800 miles of it
  5. There is a relatively massive migrant Chinese work force employed here at any given time
  6. Chinese people constitute a very large portion of the overall tourism mix here
  7. This is a very densely populated country. There are nearly 100 million people here and the country is roughly the size of Texas
  8. Except for that one month of lockdown, we have never had a mask mandate

So how is it possible that Vietnam has 35 deaths from Covid and the United States has 200,000?


I'm not writing this to lecture anyone on what the "truth" is as far as any of this is concerned - Social media is absolutely inundated with people arguing about what the government is telling us and for me, I tend to gravitate towards non-government information anyway ever since working for the federal government 20 some odd years ago. They are not to be trusted. We used to lie about stuff that I couldn't even see the benefit in lying about so when i see something as big as this I immediately presume they are not telling us the truth.

I also at one point was watching Sweden with great interest because they were basically the only modern western country that refused to go down the same path as everyone else did as far as shutting down society was concerned. Depending on the news source it seems that their strategy is either praised for working or derided for being a failure. It kind of depends on if the herd immunity thing ends up being the key for overcoming any virus as is the opinion of many medical experts and it will be interesting to see the long-term affects of them having a different strategy than basically all of the rest of the western world.

Whether or not that is true I can appreciate a country's leaders expecting their population to exercise caution to protect themselves rather than relying on the government to force people to do so. I'm very liberty oriented and feel as though it SHOULD be an individual's responsibility to exercise the amount of caution they feel is necessary for themselves. In sort of a morbid way I find it a bit amusing that I live in one of the few communist countries in the world and I have dramatically more freedom than my friends and family back in the United States and Europe.


Then of course there is the theory out there that this really isn't as big as the media makes it sound but when Covid came to USA it was an opportunity to score political points against Donald Trump. This one sounds possible and there is a ton of information out there that clearly points to deaths being attributed to Covid even though it was many other things that actually killed the person.

People in charge are on the record saying that even when people die who were on hospice care would have their cause of death attributed to Covid (hospice care is where you have resigned yourself to the fact that you are going to die and are not longer fighting for example, cancer, and instead just have drugs to make your death as painless as possible.) There is also the doctor caught on tape joking about how someone died in a motorcycle crash and his death was categorized as a Covid death.

There are a myriad of stories where testing centers were returning near 100% infection rates and it wasn't until a spotlight was put on them about the near impossibility of this being true that they altered their stories.

Then of course there are the memes that I am not going to bother verifying their data (because knowing if it is true isn't going to change anything) about how the overall deaths in the United States from all causes is right on pace with being the same as it would be any other year.

While I do listen to some Bitchute guys about the "other side" of the story here I really don't get too worked up about it because I think that doing so about something that you cannot control or change is a waste of precious time.

Basically, without "deep diving" too much all I have to do is look around at my current surroundings before I start to feel that there is definitely a lot of bad information out there and sadly, I think our governments might be in on it. How is it that I live in a country that has very little money and infrastructure, has had almost no lockdown protocols for all of 2020, yet we have almost no Covid death at all?

So what do you think? I don't talk to many people these days that feel as though our current global strategy is a good one and if you are one of those people I would love to hear what you have to say about it. I'm not trying to start an argument, especially not about Trump; I'd just like to have any information that you know, preferably memes, that might tell me something I don't already know.


I live in Washington state, USA... supposedly where "patient zero" in this country was diagnosed. We had a relatively early "stay at home" suggestion and subsequently a number of restrictions on gatherings, and a mask mandate for enclosed spaces.

At this time, Washington ranks 27th of US states in terms of number of diagnosed cases, but is 13th in terms of population. Here in our county, we've had a total of 79 cases, currently 7 are "active" and NO fatalities. Our 25 cases per 100K population is a tiny fraction of the nationwide 2700+ cases per 100K population.

Thanks for the response. I hadn't bothered to break it down by state, let alone county. Is your county one of the sparsely populated ones as in, is it a huge county with lots of space?

Geographically it's a fairly large county, about 2200 square miles. About 80% of that area is the Olympic National Park; our 32,000 population lives in the remaining 20%. About half of those (9,800; 3,700 and 1,800 respectively) are concentrated in three bordering towns around where I live.

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