just a thought - covid australia

in #covid3 years ago

I have noticed the government never mention what is to happen to many of us.......

Everything is concentrated on vaccination so we can reopen,
which is as it has to be, accept that we can't get rid of Delta,
accept that eventually everyone will either be vaccinated or get it and survive or die.

There is another category that NEVER rates a mention!
The one I'm in!
Fully vaccinated (or will be in a week) but full of "co-morbidities".
Illnesses that I can live for many years with still
but catching COVID 19,
even whilst fully vaccinated, will still kill me!

What are the many people like me supposed to do?
Isolate for the rest of our lives? or at least a few years?
Never see our family and friends?
Why do we not even rate a mention as to what will happen to us?
Is there no plan for us?
Are we expendable?
I mean, it will save the government a lot of money in the long run in pharmaceutical and medicare and pensions........

All I want is a bit of acknowledgement for the tens of thousands of us with disease or illness of some sort who will die if they catch COVID19 - vaccinated or not.

I have started to notice more deaths from people who are fully vaccinated.....I would bet that most, if not all, had underlying illness.

They also say quite often now that a person has died who was fully vaccinated but they had "co-morbidities".
I know that is supposed to reassure the general population that vaccination works but I can tell you it makes people like me feel like we don't matter!

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