The Cult of Covid

in #covid4 years ago

Worship with the Branch Covidians.jpg

It appears that Covid-19 has actually spawned a cult. I'll be nice and not adopt the obvious label "Covidiots" for its members.

I'll go with "Branch Covidians", instead. It's funnier and it's completely accurate.

Covidianism appears to be a branch of Statism, but maybe it's distinct and there's only some incidental overlap in the middle. Maybe, but probably not. The correlation seems too high to be coincidental.

Branch Covidians have their own religious canon-- handed down from the politicized Experts, put into action by the political Rulers, and preached by the priests of the Mainstream Media. It has sacred garments (face masks) and rituals (anti-social distancing). Sacrifices are required; both human sacrifice (people killed by shutdowns) and "covenants of flesh" (vaccinations), and tithes (economic ruin through shutdowns and stimulus money). And most of it is divorced from reality-- including science-- in a big way.

In spite of the craziness, the Branch Covidians have gone mainstream-- pushing their religion from the media and government buildings-- and it's bizarre.

My eyes hurt from rolling so much at what Branch Covidians believe and worry about. I can't be one of them. It appears I'm an atheist concerning that religion, too.

As with any religion, I have no problem with anyone practicing it until they start imagining that the rules they make up and apply to themselves as believers in that religion apply to the non-believers as well. Then I'm going to resist.

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Contains an element of truth, in a satirical way. However, I cannot agree with much of it, simply because established, verified facts and statistics disprove you.

  1. We know the vaccines work, we have the evidence from probably a hundred thousand hospitals.
  2. We know the longterm side-effects of long-Covid in survivors are worse than that of the vaccines, if the latter has any (no evidence for that yet, or scientists would have seen it by now.)
  3. We know masks and social distancing work. Sure you can give it a political or religious motive behind it, but when one drills down to the facts, those two measures work.

Like 99.9% of atheists I'm not blind for the risks of vaccination, but like atheists do I weighed up the risks objectively and critically against not taking it and having a probable very bad bout of Covid-19, when I inevitably gets it.

So far I have found vaxxers getting irritated and annoyed with the ignorance of anti-vaxxers, but I am still to find any vaxxers worshipping their mouth panties.

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