Contextually Speaking Episode One

in #covid3 years ago

In the Book of Hebrews Chapter 11:2 it says that by faith, we understand that God framed the worlds. Basically that verse is telling us that God built and designed the world to function and operate in a certain way. And one of the ways it is designed to operate is By faith. Congruently, we are called to live by faith. The Just shall live by faith.

Proverbs tells us that the world was founded upon Wisdom is the principle thing, so get wisdom. We are instructed to get wisdom, to acquire it.

Notice, we called to live life in a manner that is consistent with how the world was designed; how life itself was designed. Because this world can be scary, deceitful and at times uncertain, we need both faith and wisdom to navigate through it. Both faith and wisdom are key components to living a fruitful and productive life.

Here is what I have observed about life;

You can do everything right and still have things go wrong. For instance, financially you can be a good steward. You can invest properly, save your money and because of a downturn in the market, you can lose everything. Your health, you can eat right, exercise, take excellent care of your body and still get sick. Why; because time and chance happens to us all.

Time and chance happens to us all. That is not a pretext for life, it is a context for life.

I am not minimizing death,, or the pain of losing a loved one. I have lost loved ones, to Covid, CPOD, Dementia, Overdose, and violence. I have had loved ones die and to this day we still don’t know why. I’ve had people die at home, in the street and in the hospital. I’ve had doctors come out and tell the family, We’ve done all we can do. And I have had them tell us, We did all we could do. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that the doctors did anything wrong. They could have done everything right. Time and Chance. People die, sometimes we know why, sometimes we don’t. We all have an appointment that we didn’t make, but that we all have to keep.

Now, let’s talk about Covid. The manner in which Covid is being reported, the way the death numbers are being packaged and presented, it is designed to be scary, deceitful, and to cause uncertainty. This is especially true if you don’t have faith and wisdom. I’ve talked about this in other videos. The conflicting information, the information that in many cases is being obscured is all intentional. They want you scared, deceived and uncertain about the nature of what is really going on. This puts you in an emotional and traumatized stated. A traumatized people are more easily manipulated and programed.

And if you think that you are not being programmed, there was an experiment done in the 1957. Here me, I didn’t study, I said an experiment was done. Allegedly, a “market Researcher” by the name of James Vicary was behind this. At a movie theater, in New Jersey, they had inserted the messages “eat popcorn” and “drink Coca-Cola” throughout the film they were showing. It was intermittently shown. However, it was shown so fast, that they conscious mind didn’t recognize it. However, the subconscious did pick it. It was registering subliminally. What they discovered at the end of the experiment not the study is that popcorn sales went through the roof that night. Once the public found out about this, understandably they were outraged. As a result 2 things happened one, subliminal messaging was universally banned. Secondly, they experiment was publicly debunked. They came out and said that results were a hoax. They even had the man behind it say that he never conducted the experiment, that it was just a gimmick in and of itself. In other words “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. Maybe it was a hoax, maybe it wasn’t. But it also subliminal perception is also widely recognized. We also know that operant conditioning and predictive programming are also real.

Now back to Covid. Let’s establish some context.
Despite being fully vaccinated, you can still get Covid, transmit Covid to others, and even die from Covid. So then the vaccine doesn’t
work as advertised. This is context, not pretext. They are discovering the side effects as we go. So basically, they are conducting an experiment, and not a study. This is context, not pretext.

When it comes to Covid, the true context is 99.7%. This is unvaccinated. No one really refute that. However, they do gloss right over it. That is intentional. That has a subliminal effect. It conditions you to minimize a truth and a fact that will give you context for what you are facing. It is negating a truth that otherwise would empower you to live by faith and wisdom as opposed to fear.

That is programing at its finest. There has been something like 45 million reported Covid cases total and 729, 000 deaths. Here’s what we know that even if you get Covid, when you contract it, and it runs its course through your system, 99.7% of those people survive. That means that no matter how they present the numbers, everyone who dies from Covid, falls into that 0.3% range. As tragic as it is, they all fall into Time and Chance.

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