in #covid-194 years ago

The whole world is sober, people are dying, borders are been shut, businesses are on hold, offices are inoperative, worship centers are shutting down, glorious events are been postponed, world leaders are confuse, law makers don't know what to do, the rich and the poor suffer the same fate, fear is evident in the faces of people, confusion is palpable. Everyone is affected in one way or the other.

Some simple minds are asking, 'if God really exists, how will he allow such pandemic virus to wipe out the people he created?'.
Some religious minds are thinking it's the act of God, while others are saying, devil is behind the scene.

Anyway, COVID-19 is a reality we need to grapple with. Then, what are the necessary things to do in a time like this?

What are the things going through your mind? because your life experiences are directly proportional to your thoughts. Do you see yourself as a victim or a victor? Fear should not be allowed to set in. Don't forget that fear has torment and some, through fear of death have subjected themselves to bondage. (See Heb. 2:15)
During the reign of Ebola Virus, some people consumed large quantity of table salt out of fear, acting on wrong information, some became hospitalized and many died in the process. No Fear!

The world is going through a paradigm shift. Just watch it, at the end of this 'global shaking' will emerge new sets of Billionaire, new ideas, insights and concepts, fresh anointing and move of God, while many businesses and establishments will go under. Your portion lies in how you position yourself. For instance, as a scientist, it is time to lockup in the laboratory and not get out until you come out with antidotes to the pandemic virus and see how you become lifted. As business owners, it's time to think of new models and approach to business in order to stay relevant, even as people in ministry, it is time to approach things differently.

What can you see? 'What you see is what you get'. Change what you see and how you see them and that would suffice in this trying period. Instead of seeing quarantine, see another time to develop yourself and maximize your potential. Instead of seeing lockdown, see a great time to bond with your family and loved ones. You might have been longing to write a book or a play, you wanted to compose songs or engage in physical fitness exercise, but your work schedule has not allowed, now is the time. Mother of it is, this period affords us ample time to spend before God in prayer, study and meditation. 'There is good in every evil', what makes the difference is what you see.

Conclusively, always bear in mind that this time shall pass. There is light at the end of a tunnel. Observe hygiene rules and keep the hope alive. COVID-19 is not going to know your end, you shall see its end and come out victoriously.

It is well with the world.


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