Calls for Herd Immunity "Dangerous Nonsense" according to State Media

in #covid-194 years ago

Canada's bought-and-paid-for mainstream media, CBC News, announced today that calls to pursue herd immunity are callous, ignorant, and dangerous. Considering herd (mass) immunity is something I've defended from the start of the pandemic, I thought I'd have a closer look at the reasoning behind these strong accusations. Can they back up their assertion that attempting herd immunity is dangerous, and that the ongoing lockdown strategy is best for the people?

The article defines herd immunity as "when a significant portion of the population is exposed to a virus and it can no longer spread because people have become immune". That's not quite right, since the virus can still spread, unless the entire population has been successfully vaccinated (or was infected and recovered naturally). Herd immunity just means the more people who have already had the virus (or have been vaccinated), the less chance there is for severe outbreaks.

When a novel (new) virus first hits, as covid-19 did about 1 year ago in China, NOBODY has immunity, and it spreads very quickly. That's what we saw in early 2020, which led to the initial lockdowns and "flattening the curve" so that we didn't "overwhelm the health care system". (Just a reminder: no country's health care system was overwhelmed, anywhere in the world. Certain hospitals did get very busy, at the peak, but even countries that had no lockdown didn't see their system overwhelmed. That isn't even mentioned in the article.)

It Worked for Sweden

Two days ago, I posted that Sweden has beaten the pandemic using a herd immunity strategy.

All of Sweden's outcomes are better. They lost less people, they didn't get locked down, their economy is healthy, and there's no possibility of a second wave.

Meanwhile in Canada, our "Second Wave" was announced today (after 2 new deaths over the weekend), with the threat of a rough winter/covid/lockdown season coming up.

One word not mentioned anywhere in the article is: Sweden. Even though Sweden implemented the exact herd immunity this article is saying could never work, and has shown that it indeed DOES work, there's no mention. The researchers for this article need to be fired and brought up on charges of conspiracy. Absolutely criminal not to mention Sweden, in my opinion. At the very least, it's clear proof of negligence.


The article says that doctor Fauci has called plans for herd immunity "dangerous", and quoted another expert with "letting the virus run wild could lead to millions of deaths."

Wow, millions of deaths! Surely there's some evidence given for this claim, right? Wrong. The expert simply finishes with "So we don't buy this argument. We think it's just wrong." (Yes, that's a direct quote.)

That's what I call "dangerous nonsense"!

A different expert said "You're talking about a huge segment of the population who you're telling to stay in isolation while we run this terrible experiment out, and then you have the collateral damage of all these other people who you identified as non-vulnerable".

It really sounds like they are grasping for any ridiculous reason to continue with the disastrous tactic of lockdowns, mandatory masks, permanent state of emergency, and vaccine research. In Sweden, they didn't decide for each person if they would isolate or not. People decided for themselves. The article acts as though the Canadian government would decide for each person if they were in forced isolation, or forced to be part of the "terrible experiment".

What they call a terrible experiment, I call personal Liberty.

The same expert doubts "herd immunity could be carried out without overwhelming the health-care system and causing a significant number of deaths". No mention that most of the vulnerable (obese and ill elderly) have either taken precautions to isolate, or have already battled the virus.

The first expert concluded with "The long-term solution is an effective vaccine. In the meantime, people need to do the obvious, which is social distance and mask-wearing."

A third expert feared the talk of herd immunity would "result in more people becoming cynical spreaders... where they're not going to wear their masks." People are tired of the lockdown and restrictions, and while herd immunity appears to be a simple solution, "throwing up our hands and letting it circulate in our population... would be an utter disaster".

No evidence is given to back up that claim, and the article ends with the expert urging the reader to look to countries where the strategy has gone well - like New Zealand. No mention that the Kiwis have been in strict lockdown all year, a permanent state of emergency, suspension of rights, masks on everybody, contact tracking, sealed border, their economy in freefall, and no end in sight. We're to emulate that?

They're Lying To Us

Thousands of respected doctors are standing up against the lockdowns. People organize protests against the lockdowns and get dragged away to prison. A growing majority of everyday people don't support the lockdowns, which ultimately are enforced by violence. This isn't Canada, and Canadians know it.

Where are the supposedly-dangerous calls for herd immunity coming from? The herd! It's the people, it's doctors not in the government's pocket, it's the activists, the freedom fighters, the youth, the parents, the business owners, it's almost everybody!

The government and their owned media corporations, along with the dwindling forces of believers glued to their screens, are the only supporters of the lockdowns and restrictions. This article contained ZERO evidence to back up the claim that pursuing herd immunity would be dangerous, let alone cause "millions of additional deaths".

I've documented dozens of articles just like this one - lying to, misleading, and manipulating the public. Heavy social engineering like this means something's up. They don't go all out like this for no reason. It's time we take back our country before something even more horrendous happens.


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