Jason Goodman Court Files Breaking News: Defango & Quinn

in #court6 years ago (edited)

There is so much info here its almost too much to pass up.
news misinfo.jpg
While there is no legal definition of the term ‘journalist’ it is generally understood that gathering, disseminating and publishing factual information is considered journalism.

Here we see where it all started and has been leading to.


It's going to take some time to get though all these papers and make sense of it as I have no full understanding about any courts or laws besides a few. Feel free to put some input into this to clear some things up more if I'm off.

What caught my attention was this youtube video and where the links originated.

Within the Documents we can see a Chat between "Billy Bob" and Defango.

An exchange takes place between "Defango" and "Billy Bob" (landlord to Quinn Michaels). At time mark
7:00 Defango states, "Is this the same Quinn Michaels that has been going on CrowdSource The Truth?". [Exh. 6].
At time mark 7:03 "Billy Bob" replies, "Yeah, man. And while he was here (Quinn Michaels) he was
actually talking to Jason Goodman. That Jason Goodman guy, that you always talk about on your show."
At 7:11 Defango, "Yeah".
At 7:12 Bill Bob, "And they were, like, talking about putting bounties on you and all kinds of stuff, man.
They really don't like you. I don't know why. Looks like you guys are both, you know, "CrowdSourcing the truth"
I don't get why you guys are fighting, man. You know. It's kinda weird."
At 7:28 Defango, "Yeah. Did you said [sic]. You said putting ... you said they were trying to put out..
what on me?"
At 7:32 Billy Bob, "They were trying to like put out hits on the dark web .. and they were trying to put hits
on you ... try to offer bounties. There's like bounty rewards right now for information on you..".
The undersigned interprets these comments as a very strong indication that Quinn Michaels has accessed
the "Dark Web" to locate illegal contract for hire services to inflict damage and bodily injury on the undersigned.
In a video production of May 20,2018, Quinn Michaels announced his presence in the City of Mount
Shasta. [Exh. 7].

So here we see that Bounties was offered for Information about @defango and possibly the intent on someone hurting people who in my books is not right in any way unless previously threatened and I do not know the whole story I'm just reporting the CRAZY news like I always have. The funny part is most of those darkweb sites are honeypots and I hope big time these people get busted. Regardless all of these new videos with Quinn's Slander will now be reported for bullying and possibly many other reasons. Good luck keeping your channels alive- My hint to you is stay off of youtube with your BULLSHIT psyop.
Corey Atkin is Quinns real name stated by the documents. I have no proof of anything and just getting this information out. Information should be free and it should be held up by the law- we also have our 1st amendment right to speak about what we think. So basically it appears like they was all hijacking the Cicada 3301 Puzzles and other trending things using disinfomation to gain attention so they all could make money and it seems it has ended them all up in court. You better keep me outta your head games for the rest of all of your lives.

Now I could pull up some documents about the Spear and defango and how its illegal to find relics in caves and not hand them over to authorities but that's for another post exposing the TRUTH! Even though we FIGURED that out a year ago... We literally don't need to anyways because you know all these guys connected are frauds and after that youtube GOLD!



You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

So here we see that Bounties was offered for Information about @defango and possibly the intent on someone hurting people which in my books is not right in any way unless previously threatened and I do not know the whole story I'm just reporting the CRAZY news like I always have.
It should be people who instead of people which.

Maybe a comma instead after? Fixed anyways - thanks.

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