Get it Today

in #courage6 years ago


Dear comfort zone,

I appreciate your kind boundaries. They have kept me safe, passive and selfish. Clearly, they were intended to protect me, however the loneliness is more then I can now handle. With no purpose and very few actual connections with other people I have reached a breaking point.

With my first step, I choose to step out of the constant reminder of the danger, and the lie that people will crush me. Today I embrace courage to live for something beyond myself, while today it may be small, I will not be returning to the safety of selfishness.

Peace Out


I have never heard some describe boundaries as being selfish.

They have kept me safe, passive and selfish.

But after you said it, I can totally see your point. Take it one day at a time, but take action steps that move you from where you are to where you want to be.

haha...theres a balacne in there somewhere...I find most of us just seem to live in the selfish side of balance

go go go! It's not that dangerous at all!

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