My Countryside Life - Make Yellow Rice Cake 黄米糕

in #countryside8 years ago (edited)

Yellow rice cakes are our traditional food, belong to our local characteristics of food, The China New Year will do, the young people can't do, my village only the older and A few people will do,Make yellow rice cakes is very easy, but Need the big pot and wood burning, steaming,The ingredients used are corn, rice, flour
黄米糕是我们乡村的传统食物,属于我们这地方的特色食品,到了过年才会做,年轻的人都不会做了, 村里只有年纪大的会做,黄米糕做法其实很容易,只是需要乡下的大锅和木材烧,蒸出来
用到的配料是玉米,糥米,面粉,成品篜出来很糍,比糍粑还好吃. 用水浸泡,会变得很硬,早餐做稀饭时放一块煮,很好吃

Add some walnuts, peanuts, made out of yellow rice cakes more fragrant

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