My Countryside Life - Digging Winter bamboo shoots 挖冬笋

in #countryside8 years ago (edited)

Now is the best season for digging bamboo shoots, it is easy to find bamboo shoots to the mountains, digging bamboo shoots there are some skills, there are many above a few winter bamboo shoots, if not dig, Snowy days, we are here a lot of wild boar and mangosteen, they will dig bamboo shoots, often seen in the mountains hunters placed traps

Winter bamboo shoots now the price is 11 pound, one day can dig 50-80 pounds, a lot of winter bamboo shoots after rain, grow very quickly, winter bamboo shoots saved time is not long, more than a week will rot

Winter bamboo shoots people often used to stew duck, fried bacon is very fresh, is the Chinese New Year's favorite dishes

现在是挖笋的最好季节,去山上找笋很容易了,挖冬笋是有一些技巧,有许多一棵上面有好几个冬笋,如果现在不挖,下雪天,我们这里很多的野猪和山竹鼠,它们很会挖笋, 在山上经常能看见猎人放置的陷阱,冬笋现在的价格是11一斤,一天可以挖50-80斤,下雨过后冬笋很多,长得也很快,冬笋保存的时间不长,超过一星期会烂掉



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