Documented proof some on the left are Not against racists at all! Why such hate? Why do they name call and attack using the challenged in our society as a way to disparage? Looks like it's part of their Playbook! Pray their hearts will turn to God!

in #counterinsurgency4 years ago (edited)

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Just Another typical day in the #FightForGood
I know other people have loved ones/friends who are mentally challenged and friends/family in Africa who have been preyed upon, so they should realize how people like this vote while literally Laughing at the heartache of humanity.

Of course I am not saying ALL do this, but this is the mentality and the tactics of Some on the side of the progressives/DNC, Robert Byrd. . .former Klansman.

Under my post on what is Supposed to be a Melania Trump fan page . . but we all know it's okay with Zuck if they harass us, while he censors the truth tellers all day long, but as Anthony Brian Logan - ABL, "I digress!" Always Love it when you say that Anthony! #YouRock

Anyhow, I know some think this as feeding the trolls and shills, but I see it as an opportunity to show them some Real History and point out the Blatant discrepancy of the Claims of the Progressives with their obvious actions.

Anyone who knows what Robert Byrd did and his documented history with the KKK doesn't believe just because the NAACP turns around and endorses him, he is okay.

Two hater commenters engaged on a post sent out to like minded groups I have been invited to.
Here is the post link.

And this was the group page it was on called Melania and Trump Fans.

Rather it exposes their message doesn't always correlate with Their actions either.

And as Always can be counted on. . .because they have Zero Actual proof of their sorry argument. . .they resort to belittling.

Actually said Byrd denounced his KKK roots and became a Champion of Civil Rights. REALLY? Would THAT pass if our POTUS had done these things? You know the answer.

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Under this post on This Page

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Here is the post link for that page,

My response,

AND? Still hear on video footage Obama praising him. Have you heard Hillary? Hillary Clinton’s close friend Senator Byrd KKK member. She called him her Friend and Mentor!
Plus I dropped this link of the Dem's other hero,
Hillary praising her friend and mentor Robert Byrd

Joe's response

And the NAACP called him a champion for civil rights. Sounds like a good mentor to me.

I Kid you Not, he said this!

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I STILL can't believe anyone would even think THIS was a good argument. Really? YIKES!

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My Response,

You're messin' with me right? Sarcasm? If not, perhaps you should re-evaluate the agenda of Some in the NAACP (not saying all, but those who would embrace this racist). Beyond questionable when you look at his true history! You Can't erase history, no matter how hard they try! Too late, this is already documented. . .

After Byrd had collected the $10 joining fee and $3 charge for a robe and hood from every applicant, the "Grand Dragon" for the mid-Atlantic states came down to tiny Crab Orchard, W.Va., to officially organize the chapter.
As Byrd recalls now, the Klan official, Joel L. Baskin of Arlington, Va., was so impressed with the young Byrd's organizational skills that he urged him to go into politics. "The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation," Baskin said.

Now this is interesting because the Washington Post stated he was politically ambitious and the fact he organized those men and convinced them to pay dues and fees for their garb seems to show he wanted to garner attention for what he claimed Baskin was "impressed with. . .those organizational skills he demonstrated.
In other words it seems he had Political Aspirations well before Baskin would have "given him the idea."

The young Klan leader went on to become one of the most powerful and enduring figures in modern Senate history. Throughout a half-century on Capitol Hill, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) has twice held the premier leadership post in the Senate, helped win ratification of the Panama Canal treaty, squeezed billions from federal coffers to aid his home state, and won praise from liberals for his opposition to the war in Iraq and his defense of minority party rights in the Senate.

Despite his many achievements, however, the venerated Byrd has never been able to fully erase the stain of his association with one of the most reviled hate groups in the nation's history.
How Can the NAACP praise him? What’s going on here? Are their political aspirations Above the Values they Claim to stand for? Sad.

YIKES! Do you suppose the NAACP forgot to read this article?

He sends me this one which I guess completely Negates the true history and reality for progressives that Still follow dem leaders like this. .. After he put a Laugh face at the article he Didn't like.

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Are you laughing at the Washington Post? I get it. . .They've made me laugh too, but you should take a Look for yourself... at All Sen. Robert Byrd did. . .pretty Enlightening, unless your scared to see the Truth!

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Then Joe puts this. ..

Joe Zotic "Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.
"Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. "Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed."

My Response,

Joe Zotic Oh, okay then. . .I mean I'm sure if it were someone the Progressives were targeting they would be okay with this right? Please. ..#TheHypocrisyofDemLeadersREEKS and plenty of progressives just Refuse to say it. Typical, but sad. This doesn't look to me like he was a hero. ..Did the Washington Post want to give him a medal for this? They try to white wash Byrd's involvement with this statement,

The last two reported lynchings occurred on Dec. 10, 1931, in Lewisburg, W.Va. By the time Byrd began organizing for the Klan during World War II, the organization had largely morphed into a money-making fraternal organization that was virulently anti-black, anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic.

Oh, okay. Well why didn't they start with That? So as a leading democrat being praised by other leaders in government. . .the hate is okay as long as the lynchings were years before their esteemed colleague joined the hate organization admitting through chants and actions what they wanted to do to certain groups of people. And What exactly do you mean by "What's my excuse?" Are you accusing me of something because you know Nothing about me, my friends, my co-workers, the people I am united with. Also typical of progressives, they accuse and make assumptions that if those on the side of #WeThePeople were to do, you'd have an all out fit and temper tantrum. I know, because I've seen it on here too many times to count, yet much of it is Documented. Where's YOUR documentation of Who you THINK I am Joe? Lay it on me!

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My Response,

You keep denying what a Big Role it is to have been associated with the KKK in the first place! Posing to help a "Political Agenda" does Not make a Racist. . NON Racist. You should have Another look at the Real History! The Washington Post appears to help him attempt to explain away his desire to organize and be such an integral part of the KKK. Downplaying his goals and activities. Even suggesting they were just their mainly for a fraternal of men from different careers and Byrd was just the man to organize and lead them.
The writer claimed West Virginia was "never a hotbed of Klan activity." Well, at least not like those Other states from the Deep South.

He claims the violence that was demonstrated against 48 people to include 28 blacks that were lynched (so just a mild problem and happened in the 1800's and early 1900's) so no biggie. You know, just how things were.

Another Response to deal with his claims,

you all try to trivialize it along with your dem leaders and the corporate owned media, but we don't. Begs the Question. .."Who Are the REAL Racists? I believe Candace Owens has asked that question. Why don't you all embrace her? Not fit YOUR narrative Joe?

Showed him This evidence of attempts to White Wash! Sad.

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Do you claim former KKK member. .. David Duke's former klan membership was also a Youthful Indiscretion? Because i have evidence that your dem leaders and the corporate owned media Do Not give him the Same Pass as you all do for Robert Byrd. Why is that do you suppose?

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Okay, so maybe I piled 'em on and that could be WHY I've received the nickname by the hater mods and shills of "Robo Girl," Well I don't care. . .he asked a question and I will give it my best Answers which are numerous because their evil is a sick, tangled web of Deceit and it's our job to Dismantle it!

My Response,

HOW do you give that a pass? Robert Byrd, who you keep sticking up for Literally called our Brothers and Sisters "Race mongrels!" Who does that? You know who, another Dem hero. ..Margaret Sanger! I'll give you proof!

Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels."

The history of the Dem leaders and their party is Beyond Sick! They just try to trick everyone into believing all that THEY did was the other side. But who was it that ended Slavery Joe Zotic? WHO. No matter how much they try to Change it up. . .those who are informed and study for ourselves See it! What about the American Eugenics Society that has changed it's name Numerous times? You should check it out. . it is Bill Gates family and other Dems associated with that Racist org.

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And this is how you Know they are not serious about nor caring of what is proven, he just gives a laugh emoticon after everything I say rather than evidence to combat the truth!

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What about Hillary Clinton calling them Super predators? Is that okay with you? It's NOT okay with Us. We are all united with our brothers and sisters not just across America, but also in many other countries. Our African brothers and sisters have suffered at the hands of these rich elitist from the Dem party and it's Beyond sickening! Take for instance. . .

I can't believe This is the hill someone would choose to die on. It's a Poor choice for sure! How someone who claims to be for Black Rights can even speak this is beyond me.

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He needs a new hill in my opinion, but that's my opinion and I support his right to believe how he wishes.

When I put this, he just put a laugh face. Why would someone do that unless they are simply there to antagonize and don't really believe in helping black people at all if they support someone with such a horrid record of speaking hate against Black People?

Well I'm passionate about it because I have black friends and some who I consider family

Joe Zotic I assure you, my black friends do Not think this is a minor impact or how did you put it. . ."A short stint in his career?" Height of hypocrisy and disgust! You better get crackin' the books instead of reading or listening to a script from a certain party that simply wants to further Their agenda! You can't virtue signal This down. Sorry, won't work!
Byrd wrote to Samuel Green, an Atlanta doctor and "Imperial Wizard" of the Ku Klux Klan, in late 1941 or early 1942, expressing interest in joining. Some time later, he received the letter from Baskin, the "Grand Dragon" of mid-Atlantic states, saying he would come to Byrd's home in Crab Orchard whenever Byrd had rounded up 150 recruits for the Klan.
When Baskin finally arrived, the group gathered at the home of C.M. "Clyde" Goodwin, a former local law enforcement official. When it came time to choose the "Exalted Cyclops," the top officer in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.
Byrd asserts that his Klan chapter never engaged in or preached violence, "nor did we conduct any parades or marches or other public demonstrations" -- other than one time delivering a wreath of flowers in the shape of a cross to the home of a member who had been killed in a pistol duel.

Byrd wrote that he continued as a "Kleagle" recruiting for the Klan until early 1943, when he and his family left Crab Orchard for a welding job in a Baltimore shipyard. Returning to West Virginia after World War II ended in 1945, he launched his political career, but not before writing another letter, to one of the Senate's most notorious segregationists, Theodore Bilbo (D-Miss.), complaining about the Truman administration's efforts to integrate the military.

Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels."

Joe Zotic you all try to trivialize it along with your dem leaders and the corporate owned media, but we don't. Begs the Question. .."Who Are the REAL Racists? I believe Candace Owens has asked that question. Why don't you all embrace her? Not fit YOUR narrative Joe?

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Joe Zotic Do you claim former KKK member. .. David Duke's former klan membership was also a Youthful Indiscretion? Because i have evidence that your dem leaders and the corporate owned media Do Not give him the Same Pass as you all do for Robert Byrd. Why is that do you suppose? Example 1

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Melissa McGarity Joe Zotic, HOW do you give that a pass? Robert Byrd, who you keep sticking up for Literally called our Brothers and Sisters "Race mongrels!" Who does that? You know who, another Dem hero. ..Margaret Sanger! I'll give you proof! Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels."

Melissa McGarity Joe Zotic, HOW do you give that a pass? Robert Byrd, who you keep sticking up for Literally called our Brothers and Sisters "Race mongrels!" Who does that? You know who, another Dem hero. ..Margaret Sanger! I'll give you proof! Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels."

Every single word I wrote with facts that exposed how rotten these Dem leaders have treated black people, Joe and eventually his buddy just laughed at it all. That seems to show how they don't really care What evil Dem leaders have put out there, they are brainwashed by an Agenda and put That agenda Above people? Sad, doesn't look to me like they care about black people at all! I'll put a link in sources showing where others have found this to be the case also.

And here's his other buddy giving Byrd a free pass and not acknowledging the hate they spewed forth against our black brothers and sisters.

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In case it's hard to read, this is what the above comment stated,

The history of the Dem leaders and their party is Beyond Sick! They just try to trick everyone into believing all that THEY did was the other side. But who was it that ended Slavery Joe Zotic? WHO. No matter how much they try to Change it up. . .those who are informed and study for ourselves See it! What about the American Eugenics Society that has changed it's name Numerous times? You should check it out. . it is Bill Gates family and other Dems associated with that Racist org.

What about Hillary Clinton calling them Super predators? Is that okay with you? It's NOT okay with Us. We are all united with our brothers and sisters not just across America, but also in many other countries. Our African brothers and sisters have suffered at the hands of these rich elitist from the Dem party and it's Beyond sickening! Take for instance. . .

Appears to be okay with these two because they Both put laugh faces. Sick!

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What about this? How in the World do people endorse those associated with the Dem party like this. It is Sickening to the rest of us who read all the news MSM Refuses to put out because they are Owned by their corporate overlords, who are associated with people like Bill Gates.

Still Not caring even though this article was not my words, but the words of the peope living in Africa.

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Joe Zotic Why did she get a Pass for doing this? Do you suppose what Robert Byrd had to say had an effect on her?
**Hillary Clinton Superpredators on C-Span

So they think her wording is funny? Because once again, these are not just allegations, but Proof they can hear and which has been verified by numerous sources and her Actual footage that she Said these hateful things. Why is that okay with these people who so despise my beliefs?

So this is his other thinking. . .excuse it away if it happened in the past. Would they do this if it was someone from a party that was not their own?

Joe Zotic's statement
Lol, the fact you have to go back to 1945 while ignoring his current views and actions tells me everything I need to know.

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Joe Zotic The fact that you and your sidekick laugh at all the black people have endured in Africa from their own words tells me all I need to know. Also your blatant excusing of someone from your own party saying such hateful things about black people, when we all know you would say you were Furious at those comments if they were from another political party Fully exposes the sham. I have black friends who are like family to me and they don't excuse this at ALL, no matter what side of the political fence they Claim to be on!

Hillary Clinton’s close friend Senator Byrd KKK member. She called him her Friend and Mentor!

He puts up this mean, which he and his sidekick fully enjoy while Never acknowledging that I bring backed up, documented Facts to the table while he just attempts to slam, belittle, distract and only put forth allegations based on Zero fact. Sad.

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So I didn't let him get by with it, or at least. I attempted to give him. a shot to back up his info. Still he has given Zero evidence of his "meme." Demonstrating he either has none or is afraid to try to find it realizing he won't be able to or is fearful of the truth!

Joe Zotic I Want to see proof! That doesn't work for Awake people who see that Trump supported causes for Black People that the Dems only Pretended to support! WHERE is your backup? You don't give Any because you don't Have any! Typical. When you can't win a debate based on Evidence and documentation as I gave for Byrd's Sick comments, you make False Allegations that have Zero proof and people like Jamal, Candace Owens and Anthony Brian Logan - ABL KNOW it! So do we and We are United With them! What you laugh about happening to those people in Africa. ..the people I am united with Pray for them. Huge difference between the Dem leaders and their panderer's virtue signaling and all of us communicating. I am sad for all of those who follow the lie of Dem leaders and actually the entire Two party system front. I am a libertarian. They just use the 2 party system to pit us all against one another so we Don't see who the Real Controllers and Elitists are! Sadly, far too many endorse people like Byrd, while at the Same time having a Fit if someone else didn't even say Half the things Byrd did. . .someone like you would call them a racist based on whether they were Republican or Democrat. that's sad to be "Played" in that way and you just shouldn't Let them play you!

I suppose this is based on his stance of the NAACP saying flowering comments about this racist, Byrd.

Comment from Joe Zotic

I provided plenty of evidence about Byrd bring praised for his civil rights work that you ignore. I could do the same here for trump but you deny reality so I won't bother with it.

So I remind him of what Byrd said that he and the org he clearly puts all faith in support. . .a man who actually said THIS,

Joe Zotic How does that matter to people, I'm not just talking me, but to others of All colors when he made this sick statement? "Race mongrels!" Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels." You know your backup have addressed and you and I know WHY!

His sidekick just puts a laugh face. I still don't get why someone would think such hateful comments about other humans are hilarious. Weird isn't it? I realize they are trying to incite, but why would you expose your true lack of valuing black people like that when people like Joe, Arthur and all. theDem leaders they support Pretend by all their Virtue Signaling to care about black people? Pretty Telling isn't it?

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Because these two don't really have anything to go on, they Just keep repeating themselves. I could provide hundereds of source links vetted and they just act childish because they are either scripted and paid to do so, or have been brainwashed by the system that is going to take them down. That very system they support and justify. Sad.

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So I reminded Joe Zotic of This. . .
Do you Really believe History is NOT important Joe Zotic? Because the drummer, who formed a new band after Kurt Cobain was gone. . .had This in a lyric. Do suppose he spelled it all out? Now who is going to listen? Your choice Not to.

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Of course Joe continued to show his level of immaturity as you would expect.

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Clearly I will be done with him after I drop links for those who might read it and be willing to consider FACTS! Links dealing with Obama's crime spree and lies!

Joe Zotic Typical! I've shown your true character to many so if you want to add more evidence, be my guest. The informed who got Trump into office dedicated to This don't engage in immature name calling and nonsense. You have proven Nothing except that you fully support a Racist! #EpsteinDidntKillHimself

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Best he could do. Sad how snowed he clearly is.

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You can go here to see the entire thread if you ever wish to.

Then I went Back to deal with his sidekick! Obviously these guys think they can say and Do what they want, but I guarantee the minute someone said something about One of Their loved ones, they would come all undone! Always the "Do As thou Wilt" crowd, but don't you Dare giveit back to me! I know their tactics and when their overlords may think it will further expose their true character, or lack thereof; they go in and delete. . .that's why I archived it!

Sidekick's level of mentality and contributions,
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Put THIS just because he has no source links or Evidence to contribute, yet arrogantly thinks that putting one or two means with name calling and belittling means he's won the argument! Typical right? Pretty much why #WeThePeople won in 2016 and WILL win come 2020!

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My repsonse,
Arthur Wellesley How do you figure? Triggered or Informed and simply not backing down and doing what YOU are doing. ..attempting to belittle and slam because your side you support LOST. Did Robert Byrd say. .."Race mongrels!" Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels." Did he say that? Are you going to give an answer or come back with another meme that means squat! Evidence Arthur! That's what the Thinking people who Research decide on. ..proof, evidence, facts. Your belittling will get you right back where you on now. ..supporting a losing side. You should go Look at Facts yourself!

Then Joe Zitoc actually says. . .Yeah I'm embarrassed for her. I'd delete this post if I had made myself look as foolish as she did.

#Delusional Much?

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Clearly those of us in the #FightForGood have to work circles around these either Paid or played trolls. . .I say that because keep in mind they are engaging on a Melania Trump Fan page, so either they are paid to contribute while acting like they Run the page, or they have ntohgin better to do with thier Trump Hate and time than harass rather than contribute Facts to something they disagree with. Bear in mind, I NEER go to their fan pages or Progressive sites to contribute my opposing views. Wonder why They do? Pretty Telling don't you think?

I say work circles, because I bring a great deal of Facts and the Sources to the table, to their one or two Very telling sources. The rest of their interaction is clearly based on them not wanting to do the Actual Work (or they Know they won't find evidence to back up their lies) so instead they resort to posting accusations, name calling, belitting and all the rest in an effort to Distract from the TRUTH!

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#ThesePeopleAreSick Line 'em up!

  • Benghazi
  • Selected KBR, subsidiary of Halliburton given a No Bid Contract from Obama for over $500 million. Bush gave them a No Bid Contract also!
  • Had an administration Full of Lobbyists after promising he Wouldn't. By Feb. 2010 he had more than 40 lobbyists working for him.
  • Raised more money from Wall Street than any other candidate in last 20 years, yet claimed to support Occupy Wall Street.
    In 2012 he held a fundraiser where Wall Street Investment Bankers and Hedge Fund managers each paid $35, 800 to attend. In 2011 Obama hired Broderick Johnson, long time Wall Street lobbyist to be his senior campaign advisor. Johnson had worked as a lobbyist for JP Morgan, Bank of America, Fannie Mae, Comcast, Microsoft and the Oil Industry.
  • While senator voted for $700 Million TARP Bank Bailout Bill. It rewarded irresponsible and illegal behavior of Elitists while punishing hard working tax payers, who had spent their lives playing by the rules.
  • Obama nominated Timothy Geithner, a repeat Tax Cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws.
  • Obama signed a stimulus bill that spent money on bonuses for the elite AIG executives.
  • Supported Bush's Patriot Act and signed a renewal.
  • Agreed with Bush's support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing Any Charges.
  • Defended warrantless wiretapping
  • Obama promised to prosecute Wall Street criminals but during his entire first term never filed any charges against any top financial executives.
  • Obama had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process. The ACLU accused Obama of violating the U.S. Constitution for doing this.
  • Ordered a Private Company to shut down a new factory in South Carolina after they hired 1,000 employees because Obama didn't like it that they were Non-Union.
  • Stole money from retired Teachers and Police Officers during the Chrysler bankruptcy Obama treated unsecured creditors better than the secured. Though illegal Obama got a free pass from corrupt politicians and followers.
  • Obama supported release of convicted mass murderer, Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi convicted of murdering 270 people from prison.
  • Obama fired General Gerald Walpin after he accused Sacramento Mayor, Kevin Johnson of misusing AmeriCorpse funding to pay for school board political activities. Johnson was an Obama supporter.
  • Obama made a campaign promise. to have all Health Care ReformNegotiations broadcasted on C-SPAN, he broke the promise after he was elected.
    The secrecy was so strong Pelosi actually said. . ."We have to Pass the bill so you can find out what is in it!" Only deceivers operate in this manner, they Know it, but how many did they fool?
  • Lied about letting people keep their health insurance, just a Blatant, Bold lie.
  • Obamacare caused 7 million people to lose their employer provided health care.
  • After Obamacare was passed 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East announced that it would drop Health Insurance for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants.

I proceeded to give him a lot of facts from prior research from this article and Facebook Frames,
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And this prior article

This comment Calling people names from Arthur was by far the Most Appalling!

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Had to go back and attend to this, just needed to be done!

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Here is some of the Key history of Dr. Samuel Green, Imperial Grand Wizard of the Knights of the KKK

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Dr. Samuel Green became an obstetrician and joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1922. By the early 1930s, Green had become the Grand Dragon of Georgia.

Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the late 1940s, organizing its third and final reformation in 1946.

Starting from the late 1920s, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan had a problem with declining membership. In 1939, Imperial Wizard Hiram Wesley Evans sold the organization to two Klan members, Green and James A. Colescott. Colescott served as the Imperial Wizard and Green as his assistant. While Colescott was forced to dissolve the organization in 1944, Green began to reform the Association of Georgia Klans with its focus on white supremacy and anti-communism. In October 1945, his group announced their return to public life with a cross-burning.

In October of the same year, Green orchestrated a formal revival ceremony on Stone Mountain. According to historian Robert P. Ingalls, the fiery cross lit for the ceremony was between 200 and 300 feet in height (60,96-91.44 metres). The initiation ceremony of the night closely followed the patters established by William Joseph Simmons in 1915. The only problem for the ceremony was that there were more members and initiates present than robes and hoods available to them. Many of them wore handkerchief masks instead of more traditional Klan uniforms. Green sold to Life magazine the rights of taking and publishing photos of the event.

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In Green's own words on the subject:
...The uppity n*****! Since the war they're even trying to abolish Jim Crow laws, with their talk of equal rights. Already the poll tax has been abolished in Georgia, and in other Southern states Northern agitators are paying poll taxes for the blacks so they may vote alongside white folks. …

In this period of the Klan, it was relatively normal for Klansmen to attend church service in full uniform. The practice both asserted their predominance in their respective areas, and implied their connection to local church leaders. At times these Klansmen offered cash donations to the congregations. At least some religious figures opposed the practice. For example, Hugh A. Brimm of the Southern Baptist Convention instructed its pastors to refuse to accept "blood money" from the Klan. In his view the Klansmen were covered with the blood of "lynched victims" and their "superficial piety" was merely hypocritical.

Meanwhile, Green led the Klan in renewing its political activities. He was active in the 1948 Georgia gubernatorial special election, reportedly serving as an aide-de-camp to candidate Herman Talmadge. Talmadge was seen as the Klan's candidate for the office. When he did win the election, the Klan took credit for it. According to Stetson Kennedy.

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The progressives have a fit if we put in photos and make False claims. I gave documented evidence of what Robert Byrd said, but as usual people who just want to lie and slam give Zero evidence and make up what they want to! Is called the. ..I'm a progressive and can't win an argument because my Dem party's roots are evidenced to be KKK so I'll just make stuff up and mock the people who aren't OWNED.

Here is the link to this Facebook Post if you go here and click on shares, scroll down to the Melania and Trump Fans to see the comments from the Trump and Truth haters.


Showed them some of these videos as he feigned outrage and certain historical symbols,

Hypocritical outrage against a flag but not Obama portrait the artist who painted it

Im SICK of Liberals and Democrats Mind of Jamal UNLEASHES the Truth About Dems and Their Supporters

Hear Obama talk about the International Order and how ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs and must surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign!


White liberals are the biggest racist. Wanna end racism shut up a white liberal.

Barack Obama WAS A RACIST and the media covered it up.



David Duke also quit and disavowed the KKK after a short stint.
Let's see them stick up for that ex-congressman, rights activist.
They will say he is racist though. Guaranteed.

They are So Obvious!

They allow the political game of using sides to divide To Divide!
They should Wake Up Already!

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