Maiev Shadowsong - Dota 1 Cosplay. N1ks interview

in #cosplay8 years ago (edited)

Interview with Patricia Machin, head of Havana Cosplay
by: Rafael "DREAMER" Santos
Havana What is Cosplay?
-Habana Cosplay is a community cultural project, it is as you say, that brings together people who like to cosplay, but they also have an interest in organizing activities. The audience likes the cosplay can attend, and especially promote cosplay quality, serious cosplay, not only as entertainment but also as a lifestyle and people who are interested in this can also take advantage of everything they have around to do the costumes for the characters that interest you.
What are the dreams, goals Havana Cosplay?
Until the time was able to reach a wider number, gain the support of some institutions or at least recognition. And we did it, so the next step is to get a local or at least the support of a local that we can provide security when doing activities in order to have the insured public, to spend more time on quality activities rather than to carry them out; because, really, what more do activities then prevents the lack of a space or support.
How they manage to get the materials to make the costumes?***
- The main idea for the group came was because many times we started to make a cosplay and one person had a material not another, then started among us to help us, to lend materials, tools and now perhaps also a way to help people who do not. We have been making a kind of inventory, collecting raw materials, clothing, fabrics and things that can not only serve members of the group, but also those linked to us.
Then Cosplay Havana more than a cosplay club has grown into a club of friends, what have been some of the most beautiful experiences you have lived?
Well, however oddly enough the most beautiful experiences are the early mornings, sometimes it happens to us that we get 3, 4 people all one morning without sleeping, working, one sewing, the other cut, other things or providing cooking and really that enjoying very much. Also arranging activities, because when there really are people who are interested in that activity is achieved and make everyone a little bit of everything, in the end, much work is going on and it is difficult but it is very nice and very rewarding.
What would you say to people who read our magazine and wants to come to Havana Cosplay?
-For People, we are open to anyone who wants to get support, or get an idea, in fact, have helped people to organize their own projects independently of the subject, if cosplay or not, because it most think that this is a movement that is growing in the country and for us to respect and to earn the seriousness of other institutions, other artists, other projects, the first thing to do is to work well. So what we want most right now promoting it is that not only cosplay is done, not just anime, manga and video games are consumed, but also study really, was taken seriously, its history is known, information and adopted as a lifestyle.
How is Patricia when he leaves Havana and Cosplay costume off?
Patricia is very rare that happens, maybe what made me move so much and spend so much time is that my head is constantly working, then I really like the manga anime, I love video games but also move me in the art world, I am interested production interests me a little of everything, so that as it gives you a background that allows you after poderte express, to explain to people what you want to achieve, so I'm always with his head stuck in this; as you can see today was my graduation and I was at the party and at the same time was getting dressed to be here. I am a normal person, only that this is already part of my life, or I constantly talk about this, I mentioned it to people and I proposed as an artist that I am, because I have studied art, I studied theater; I decided to make this culture legitimizes, because really now in new media, is what has more monitoring and is what most young people pursue; then it is high time that you begin to take seriously and that you start giving, especially in Cuba, because in other countries if it exists, but here it is time that this culture has a space, moments where converge, where entertainment, to meet and to develop some things you enjoy.
-To End, what video games are you love?
-well video games that I like are the Alice Madness, the Fez and Dragon Age
-Thanks for your time...

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