This Cycle is going to be Different

in #cosmiccycle4 years ago

This video was originally published 14/11/2019

There are a lot of articles now, including Robert Felix’s site,, which talking about the descent into the new Grand Solar Minimum and what it means for our society in terms of economics, since the physical aspects can no longer be ignored. The Sun’s electromagnetic field is shifting, and being electrical receivers ourselves, this could explain a lot of the strange agitations that are happening, but we cannot even put a finger on what is changing. The entire planet is experiencing right now.

Since Earth’s magnetosphere is weakening, and the planet’s magnetic fields are the drivers or of wind patterns, cloud cells and the Intertropical Convergence Zone along with every factor that affects our climate is moving and morphing as we speak. These changes will continue as we move through the next couple of decades with growing and harvesting seasons becoming less and less stable.

Tallbloke’s site states that Solar Cycle 25 forecast to be lower than Solar Cycle 24, but not to the zero point like the Maunder Minimum circa 1640.

To explain further, I want to bring Valentina Zharkova’s work again, because the pattern shows how cycles couple together in grander cycles of fives. The Grand Solar Minimum is a single cycle, but as shown in Zharkova’s results, cycles coupled in fives, thus, creating a heavier and more powerful cycle. Is it then safe to expect that faster changes than just a regular 400-year period will occur? This is what a lot of people are asking.

Things seem to be more amplified and seem to be happening more quickly than anticipated, with this magnetic wandering, or polar wander if you will.

Furthermore, the on-going climate debates are only phrased within 150 or 200-year time frame Why don’t we challenge longer time periods and look at the 4,000-year temperature records to observe the natural dips and rise of temperatures?

This chart utilized an Orbital Resonance Model, comparing Beryllium 10, which is a marker for cosmic rays, as well as Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). The science behind this is solid, but the dips in the graphics should not be taken for granted. Each dip marked a collapse in civilization, or the unraveling of threads that bound societies together during those times; and we are back at it again.

Yet, governments are still not talking about this. The push towards Global Warming agenda has made everyone forget cycles in the Sun. Records of what happened in the past are there for all to see and it should be used as our guide to face the future for solutions.

Today’s leaders, however, are avoiding the past. Milankovitch Cycles are too long of a time scale to even have effects on the Earth, or so they say. These are hundred-thousand year cycles into the future or back into the past 800,000 years either way. So this cycle presented in the chart is 1.6 million years of time. If you notice, this longer cycle shows where we are edging towards every year, from the zero-point and we are going further down into that dip.

Aside from longer cycles, you might want to also start matching different events on our planet to how the heavens were behaving at that time. Where were the planets in their orbits in our solar system during times societies disappeared that were forgotten? How quickly did we forget the past cataclysmic events or the world-ending type events that made people think of judgement day over the last 12,000 years?

The 1833 meteor storm is one example; where an estimated 250,000 shooting stars streaked through the sky in a single evening. The image below shows what it looked like. Since we have this kind of cosmic bombardment going through remains of a tail of a comet every single year, when will this heavy dense barrage come back to us again?

Why has everyone forgotten these huge events that happened less than 200 years ago?

Same is true with the Carrington Event. That would literally fry today’s electronics, especially in parts of the world where the sunlight is striking the surface for however long those particles reached the atmosphere. Where did they sight Aurora’s during the Carrington Event? All the way down in South America, and that is a good indication of how intense the event was. But all is heard now is just the Carrington Event. Back up records, such as charts like the one shown are rare to find.

Moreover, if Global Warming were true, we would not have this Arctic blast so early in the year. A third blizzard has swept over the U.S crop growing zones. Hundreds, if not thousands, of cold temperature records, even all-time cold records were smashed not just by a degree or two, but some of the new records were 20°F cooler than the oldest record that had stood for 120 or 140 years.

This, in itself, is an incredible sign, indicating that something significant is happening in Earth’s atmosphere. Yet people still prefer to squabble whether it is because of CO2 emissions or not. We are far past that now.

What we need to do now is discuss strategies and solutions of how our society is going to grow enough food moving forward from now through 2024.

Examples are record cold temperatures spinning into the southern plains, down to Mexico. Record snow in Algeria in Autumn, as the country records record crop harvests for the third year in a row. It seems, a new 4,000-year rainfall pattern is moving over the grow zones of North Africa this time.

Additionally, Marc Morano’s site CLIMATE DEPOT, states that just a couple weeks back, “Utah sees record cold of -43.6°F- Perhaps the lowest October temperature ever recorded in the Continental US.” I believe that if this was heat record, it would have been a front-page news globally.

Anyway, thought-provoking that the old cold record of 14°F, that stood from 1874 is more than 50°F colder. Take note, this is not in Alaska or Antarctica. It is in Utah, of all places.

This graph shows temperatures from 1800 to present-day in Armagh, Northern Ireland, and as you know, Ireland has been touted, repeatedly, to be warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. Yet the chart shown below says otherwise.

Anyhow, after all that has been said, we always come down to this Economic Confidence Model. If you look at the hyperinflationary or inflationary waves in these economic models, isn’t it interesting that it peaked in 2024, at least in this cycle according to Martin Armstrong?

Again, that is exactly the same years that the magnetic fields cancelling on the Sun will intensify. In time for this are the new trade treaties, the roll out of 5G, and every project that will have been completed by 2023. These dates are all too coincidental.

So, how prepared are you for emergencies? Whether you buy something from My Patriot Supply, or anywhere is not important. What matters is, you should be getting your own supplies ready. Have you been to the store to take a look at what types of tins of fish, flours, or beans available in bulk?

Have you been looking at the store to see what you can buy and preserve for a long time? Some major events are on the horizon again, and I encourage you to do more research on the important events that you may have forgotten, especially those massive events that left huge effects on the planet. Furthermore, 200 years is not a long time, so you might want to consider looking at 800,000-year cycles. This will hugely help you in your preparation for the future.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

Climate Revolution is a ‘Must Read’ for understanding our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.

NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution

Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast




(MIAC# 280) The Last Year of Stable Food Supply We Have on This Planet

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Carrington Event locations Image
Oscillations of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a millennial timescale
What is a Barycenter
Nature Scientific Reports
Richard Salvador published a paper in 2013 (doi:10.5194/prp-1–117–2013) which describes a model containing terms relating the cycles of synodic periods and some of their harmonic resonances which shows a strong correlation to the reconstruction of TSI by Steinhilber et al (2012). This plot shows the last 4000 years. #77
Overlapping solar activity models

Armagh temperatures 1796–2016

Why Will This Solar Minimum Be Different?
Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the solar system regulates the Earth’s climate
‘They thought it was judgment day’: The night in 1833 when ‘stars fell’ on the southern US

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They’ve known for a long time . This is why they had to do this theater called The PLANDEMIC . Its time to focus our combined energies on finding them and putting them in cages for the sake of humanity .

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