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RE: Who Should Pay for the CORVID 19 Test?

in #corvid194 years ago

Low cost healthcare is possible in america but not with the current federal government. If the federal government was profitable and not running a deficit, along with state, and local governments then it wouldn't be a big deal to build a really great and virtually free to the consumer healthcare system.


My hope is that people will think about this outbreak in detail and realize that big socialized medicine doesn't serve the people well.

The media reports I've heard seem to push the message that we must have socialized medicine to combat contagious diseases like coronavirus.

A campaign slogan is that corona virus test kits should be free. This blanket statement is stupid.

This statement is foolish. The test should be paid for by the entity that benefits from the test.

Imagine that your employer wants to have daily testing of employees. The employer is the beneficiary of the tests; therefore the employer should be the entity that pays for the test.

The Federal government is charged with protecting borders. As such the Federal Government should be paying for tests that are used for the purpose of protecting the border.

Health organizations need to track the spread of the disease. In this case the health organizations should be subsidizing the tests they need.

The current system that we have is not working optimally because politicians have built monolithic health care structures which are not responding adequately to the needs of the people.

Unfortunately, politicians are skilled at using the failure of centralized systems to demand greater centralization.

I belief that the best way to fight sloganeering is to get people to look at different cases. If they discuss different cases then they will realized that while socialized care might be good in a few cases, it fails in most cases.

The media reports I've encountered about the

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