Trying To Find Freedom With Crypto: entry for #coruscate-contest

Money, money, everywhere
Not a penny to spare
Money, money, everywhere
Crypto is currently ruled by the bear

I won’t claim that I have become freer or have gained financial freedom by getting into crypto. In fact, as Asher(@abh12345) said, that I have actually become less free. Since the day I got involved in crypto, I had to read a lot, watch videos and write my own stuff. This is all apart from my regular work schedule. It’s like managing two jobs and for a guy trying to do that, the word ‘free’ doesn’t really come into play. I still do it because I see freedom in the future that crypto can offer. The word ‘free’ might not be in my dictionary right now but this whole thing is one giant effort to add that word there, in a way that is lasting and permanent.

In all honesty, I cannot really tell you anything about gaining freedom because of crypto. Simply because I have yet to gain it myself. But what I can talk about is how I got into crypto and what I am trying to achieve with it. I would also like to mention my reasons for sticking to it even after all the trouble that I have had with it.

I arrived at the crypto scene back in October 2017. Started putting in some money to play around with Bitcoin, but then things got serious. By the time December ended, I had put almost all my savings in the market. Then came the bloodbath in January and I took quite a beating. Most of you would have guessed by now that I haven’t seen my Portfolio in green since February. Understandably, I am not a very happy man right now.

I may not exactly be a happy camper, but I am smart enough to see that it isn’t about what crypto can do for my bank balance in the coming months. It is about what it can do for me in the future. I don’t really have to look into an imaginary future and comfort myself, because crypto has done plenty for me even as things stand.

I have been interested in economics since my school days and have a pretty decent grasp of macroeconomics. The thing is that everything you understand by studying economics is not applicable in the reality and you just watch this world in wonder as you see the governments doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Some of the actions are so blatantly opposed to the core principals of economics that you have to pick your jaw up from the floor and wonder why nobody is pointing it out.

At some level you already know that things are not exactly ideal, and you need a plan B. I guess that’s the thinking of average guys like me, because we are only able to think till the extent of having a plan B. The ones who are smarter probably understand that they don’t need a Plan B. What they need is a plan that nobody is even thinking of…. Okay this is going off on a tangent again.

Crypto is not just plan-B for me. It is something that I want to pursue seriously in the future. As you can imagine that with this kind of attitude combined with the current market, the crypto hasn’t really provided me the freedom in the literal sense of the word. What it has given me, is the freedom to be mentally more comfortable about my future.

Crypto is not about money, I think it never was even intended to be that way. Money is what you call your wealth, when you are under the thumb of the ‘Big Brother’. Crypto is about having control over your own wealth and have the freedom to make that wealth truly work in your favor.

These theoretical ideas about wealth and control over what you own, have always been clear in definition but blurred in practicality. I mean you know them, but you also realize that in the real world your money cannot benefit you like it should. Most jobs pay you less than the worth of work you are asked to put in. Even what you earn is divided between you and the government. Then what trickles to you is kept in banks, where it is used back to offer you loans.

Once you understand the system, you realize the huge disadvantage that you stand in if you choose to be one of the drones. For me this is where crypto comes in. Obviously, it is a totally different animal than your regular money. For those who are serious about it, there is no choice but to try to understand how it works.

I tried to do it and took the plunge in the world of blockchain. Right now, I am quite happy that I did it. As a speculative investor, crypto hasn’t been kind to me but as a HODLer, my investment has never looked so promising.

You can too submit your entry for the #coruscate-contest at this link:

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At the moment, it's too complicated to use it...that's why we can't find a real freedom at the moment

it's too complicated to use

Are talking about using crypto for buying stuff. As in, real life use being difficult?

FYI if you post video through Dlive they don’t take any rewards.

I didn't know that! So is it like, Dtube keeps a portion of your earnings?

25 % is given out to the curators.

No freedom here yet also, but an interesting journey for sure!

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