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RE: Impeached Former President of South Korea Park Geun Hye Sentenced to 24 Years for Corruption

in #corruption6 years ago

For reals, how to drain a swamp!
From What I gather the Korean system still has deep rooted corruption but it's a big step in the right direction.



If that is the only thing Trump gets done I would be very happy. Then we need new laws to counteract elected and appointed officials from having so much power.

The base layer of how to deal with corruption needs to be updated for the USA, because we are going to continue to get Garbage In Garbage Out until it is fixed. Term limits, reduce or eliminate appointed positions(because they aren't accountable), reduce size of government so they have less power, make laws 1,000,000,000,000 x stricter on lobbying, all donations to political campaign have to be publicly registered on an immutable blockchain for something over a few thousand bucks, etc. Once a lot of that stuff is addressed then we can hold them more accountable and then work towards lowering spending/stop fighting pointless wars that costs trillions and all that.

Thanks, @truthforce writing.

"...we need new laws to counteract elected and appointed officials from having so much power."

I note, as did Lysander Spooner, that laws don't stop criminals from breaking them. Therefore law only prevents the law-abiding from breaking them. The more laws there are, the more constrained are the lawful. Those same laws don't constrain criminals.

We don't need more laws. We need far fewer of them, so that free and lawful men can attend to those that break laws assiduously.

We don't need more laws, we need to enforce the few that are necessary to effectively prevent criminals from seizing power with impunity. We need to drain the overwhelming swamp of laws that are utterly impossible to even know exist due to their vast number, but we need to drown the infant tyranny in that swamp first, so that we are left with a clean tub when we do.

Then, instead of the swamp of despotic propaganda and censorship we see today overflowing our public vat of discourse, we can fill it with the pure waters of reason and voluntary agreement in our deliberations.

There is a problem with that though, "criminals breaking the law", if you have term limits as a law on an elected position they can't exactly break that law in any way I can think of. Having the new laws created of having term limits does need to be done, it is the only way to hold them accountable. These Senators and House of Rep people who are there for more than 8 years have to go, no more of this 10 15 20 25 30 year ruling dynasty. The longer they are in these positions the more corrupt they will become due to lobbyists.

Another law that should be made is that we can't keep printing and spending so much money, the constant raising of the debt ceiling is an absolute joke that proves a debt ceiling means nothing. Budgets should have laws in place that requires them to be balanced. More laws should also be made to outlaw all omnibus bills where there is thousands of pages with a bunch of bullshit thrown in. Theres tons of laws I can think of all day that could be implemented in that would be effective or somewhat effective in curbing governments power. If you take away a lot of the laws from these areas you will see more corruption, so I do not agrew that we need less laws in these specific areas(while we may need less laws for the EPA for example, that I would agree with and many other things).

Think about it like this, Senators/House of Reps/Governors/Mayors have more power than Kings did in the 1800s or 1900s, they are tyrants of their own district elected by a Democracy of votes. Most people have no idea what is going on with politics to start with(unless there is a huge galvanizing pressure for Truth like the TEA party had going for a little while, or the Freedom Caucus). So we are already starting off on a Garbage In Garbage Out problem, which is further compounded by their ability to draw up districts so that they always have more Dem or more Rep voters so they always win(again more laws need to be made to outlaw gerrymandering).

There are a lot of laws that have to be made to stop these abuses, so when you say that we need to get rid of laws you need to specify which ones you want to get rid of. Enforcing a lot of the laws on the books certainly is what we should be doing already, the reason we aren't is because of a bad base layer where nothing is really being done to fix it.

Now, am I saying that adding in some of those above laws fixes the problem 100%? No. I am more conservative in my estimate that if the above laws were implemented it would only fix a small percentage of the problem and more things have to be examined on how to make it better.

And one more I just thought of, a law need to be put into place that says "only US citizens count for the census" because as it stands right now any party who continually lets in unlimited amounts of illegal immigrants benefits there state for electoral votes. California has something like 4 or 5 extra electoral votes due to the increased population their state has due to illegal immigrants. And yes Iagree with you, enforcing the laws already on the books is part of the solution. Also adding more laws to where illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits goes hand in hand with building a border wall and hand in hand with increased border security. There is less problems to worry about if the incentives are taken away(no benefits for illegals, no anchor baby, no free ride, etc).

I hope that makes more sense of what I was trying to originally say.

How about 0 lobbying!

Is this similar to what happens in Brazil?

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