Texas attorney general involved in corruption of 1 million and the state Senate impeachment trial for the first time in nearly 7 years

in #corruptionlast year

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was accused of corruption and bribery, impeached by the state Senate, and the trial of the parliament began on the 5th, which is the first time in nearly 50 years that Texas has been tried as the state's highest-ranking judicial official, and Republican politicians suddenly fell into the difficult situation of giving up or keeping "their own people".

This is also the saddest hurdle for Paxton, who supported Trump, as prosecutor general for three terms. He sat in the dock and listened to the opening remarks of the senators of the state under live television, but he left before the morning agenda was over.

Republican State Rep. Andrew Murr said Paxton not only failed to protect Texas, but also used his elected position to his own advantage and "should be fired." Merr was one of the House of Representatives' impeachment managers. The Republican-dominated state House of Representatives voted heavily to impeach Paxton in May.

"We Texans certainly demand much more from civil servants than not committing crimes," he said.

From the very beginning of the impeachment trial, it was against Paxton. He called for the 20 defendants to be dropped, but senators from his party rejected them one by one. Although some supporters came to the scene to "stand in a position" to cheer for him before dawn, there were still many empty seats in the audience.

His lawyer, Tony Buzbee, said "false" or "incorrect" every time he heard a charge read aloud, saying the defendant had pleaded not guilty.

After Paxton left the scene, the reading of the charges proceeded. Basby said that the defendant is required to be present at the beginning.

The core charge of impeachment is that Paxton secured a $1 million loan for Nate Paul, a real estate developer and donor to his campaign. Paul obtained the loan for making misrepresentations to the bank and was indicted by prosecutors this summer.

Baxby said Paxton's so-called help to Paul to obtain a loan was "trivial" and that the impeachment case was "a trivial trivial matter" aimed at "overthrowing the will of the electorate."

Conviction or not, voted on by state senators. The Texas Senate has a Republican majority, and Paxton's wife, Angela Paxton, is one of them. She can participate in the agenda of her husband's trial, but she cannot vote when deciding whether she is guilty.

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