in #corporatism6 years ago

Over the weekend, it was reported that the Keystone pipeline leak that occurred in South Dakota last November was double in size of the original estimate. The pipeline is owned by TransCanada Corporation and this leak could pose problems for the company's efforts in seeking approval to finish the northern section of a second pipeline, the Keystone XL.

TransCanada has spent years lobbying for that approval. On its lobbying team are three former ambassadors to Canada: David Wilkins, Gordon Giffin, and Jim Blanchard.

Because the pipeline crosses the border, TransCanada needs approval from the U.S. State Department. Back when John Kerry was the Secretary of State, TransCanada employed three lobbyists who were former members of Kerry's campaign team: Brandon Pollak, Graham Shalgian, and David Castagnetti. The current Secretary of State is John J. Sullivan, who was an attorney and partner at the firm Mayer, Brown, Rowe, & Maw, which has represented and advised TransCanada.

Note that Paul Elliott is included for his involvement with Hillary Clinton's campaign because she also served as Secretary of State in the Obama administration prior to John Kerry.


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No I'm sorry your information must be incorrect here (as well as your partisan insinuation that democrats don't religiously love the environment).

To the contrary, Democrats love the environment because Al Gore and like michelle obama had a fucking garden or something and because barack bounced quarters off of peoples' heads for putting more air in their tires and, oh, because some dipshit republican president was at the helm when all the electric cars go squished and if he was a democrap he wouldn't have done that , oh, and Carter put some solar panels up and Reagan ripped them down because one loved the environment and one hated the environment and wanted to kill all of the world's squirrels. And no, I didn't write "world's squirrels" in the previous sentence just because I like the way the two words sound next to each other.

I hope I'm being clear here, tokenism matters and is in no way a flapping distraction from the incestuous corporate pillage that goes on with rabid-beaver-like-relentlessness every goddamn day.

World's squirrels... assonance for the win.

BTW, I published a venn several years ago similar to this one that was just Democrat lobbying on Keystone XL and heads exploded. Apparently, people don't like it when their false beliefs are challenged.

Very nice :) Keep breaking brains, eventually they will recompile in a more intellectually honest manner (hopefully).


This post is especially meaningful to me because I lived five months in ND trying to halt the DAPL. We knew that the government was involved with the oil industry, we knew they had a conflict of interest.

Thanks for making such a clear meme demonstrating the crossover.

Sharing with the zuckerberg where quite a few folks from the region will likely see it, assuming that fb doesn't censor it...

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