in #corporatism6 years ago

The US attacks against Syria can largely be explained by the venn above, illustrating the overlap between our federal government and the Genie Energy corporation. Several years ago, a Genie subsidiary was given the first license to drill for oil in the Golan Heights, an area captured from Syria and annexed by Israel in 1981.

Genie discovered a huge reserve on the Golan plateau in 2015, estimated to be 350 meters thick. As a result of this find, it's speculated that there's more oil in the Golan Heights than in Saudi Arabia. Obviously, control over the Golan Heights has become an issue for both governments and oil industry corporations.

Israel has been pressuring the US to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights for years, a sovereignty that would violate international law. President Obama refused to do so and in February of 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the same request of President Trump.

So far, Trump has been silent on the issue, but he does have a few friends involved with Genie Energy, as does his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Two of President Trump's connections are his campaign policy director, Michael Glassner and one of his deputy assistants during the presidential transition, Ira Greenstein.

In fact, when the US bombed Syria last year, Greenstein held positions both as a Trump administration team member charged with hiring for national security positions, and as the president of Genie Energy.

Note that when then-Senator Mary Landrieu was chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, she sponsored the US-Israel Energy Cooperation Bill. In the conflict between Israel and Syria over the natural resources in the Golan Heights, it's no secret that the US is siding with Israel, as its military strikes against Syria make fairly obvious. An Israeli-controlled Golan plateau would benefit both Israel and the US, especially in light of Landrieu's bill.

IDT Corp. is the parent company of Genie Energy


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I am glad to see this article.

These energy giants and politicians represent a perfect marriage of corporations and state. It's modern day fascism.

This group of war profiteers have taken conflict of interests to the next level, and the media is involved in covering up for them. Rupert Murdoch sits on an advisory board for Genie energy.

This raises a frightening prospect. A whole country can go to war to safeguard the interests of a few people.

Why do I keep thinking that John Bolton also had a link to Genie Energy

Thank you @geke, you have vote me, I love u..

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