video: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE & FORECAST Weeks to ComesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)

Today I'm going clear up some misconceptions about the Coronavirus, give a bit of an update on it, and at the end I will reveal some insights as to what can be expected in the weeks to come.


Now I've read about several people saying the Coronavirus COVID-19 is basically the same threat as the common flu. This is wrong for a couple of reasons.

First, the seasonal flu has an average death rate of about 0.1%. While the Coronavirus has a death rate of about 2% to 6%, depending on the country. This mean that the Coronavirus is at minimum 20 times more deadly than the common flu. The Coronavirus is also estimated to be about 3 times more contagious than the seasonal flu.

Second, many Healthcare Specialists have pointed out the fact that the Coronavirus is additive to the flu, and not replacing it. So after the Coronavirus takes it's victims, then when the flu comes along, it will claim more victims.

Having had the flu does not give immunity to Coronavirus, and vise versa. A strong immune system must be strong on both fronts.

The Coronavirus spreads easily through contact from some business like the fast food check out or grocery store clerk, to your friends, then to your family. A person can be symptom free anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks.

When looking at the numbers, we can see the rate of Coronavirus spread is exponential. Countries that do not aggresively contain it early, are becoming overwhelmed again and again because of the rapid speed at which it spreads. Within 1 week, from March 7 to March 14, the number of active cases in Italy increased from 4,000 to 15,000.

Countries that reported 10 infections a couple weeks ago are now reporting 100. And those that reported 100 are now reporting over 1,000.

I predicted weeks ago that Spain would rise to be the country with the second most active cases, and by March 18 that's exactly what happened. As of this week, the USA has currently risen to outpace Spain and become second to Italy.

At this time of writing, the top 5 countries by active infections are:

  1. Italy 50,000
  2. USA 45,000
  3. Spain 29,000
  4. Germany 28,000
  5. France 16,000


And now on to the forecast. Unless we see some miraculous cure appear, then we can expect to see the following events occur in the weeks to come.

  1. The USA infections are growing very fast, and due to the large population, we can expect it to soon pass Italy and become #1 for the most number of infections. I predict this will occur before the second week of April.
  2. Within the month of April, Australia will likely become one of the top 10 countries with the highest number of active infections.
  3. After about 1 month, the virus will have largely moved from the cities, to rural areas. We can expect that spreading will come to a sort of equilibrium with those who are recovering, but that it will still continue to spread for several more weeks.
  4. We can expect to see a massive increase of infections in several nations that have previously only had hundreds reported. During the month of April, they will go from hundreds of infections, to tens of thousands.
  5. Critical mass, the peak of this pandemic, will not come before the month of May. All throughout April we will see massive spread of the virus around the world, and globally it won't peak out until at least May 2020. It will continue to increasingly ravage businesses and flood hospitals for weeks to come.

A month ago, many people were laughing online. Posting memes and jokes about toilet paper. Now that they are beginning to see the deadly power of Nature sweep the world, their tones are changing.

First they laugh, then they become scared, and then they will cry. This Coronavirus doesn't even touch the true power that Nature has to offer. It's barely a slap on the wrist to humans. Some day in the future, humans will witness the ultimate power of Nature, and the dead will line the streets. But there is hope for us. By following the Principles of Vidar our children will be blessed to survive. The First Principles of Vidar will be released this year 2020, and follow me to stay up to date.

In a time like this, I recommended water-fasting to those listening, to strengthen the immune system. We need strength not only for ourselves, but for those we love. The Coronavirus is especially lethal toward the elderly, so do not visit your elderly loved ones. If they require necessities, you can drop off supplies at their home and avoid hugging or touching them.

Each of us must pray for ourselves. Pray for courage, strength, and endurance.

I send blessings out to all my brothers and sisters.


Hubzilla Room VidarReturns

video: Coronavirus Symptoms and Statistics.

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