Fake or Real? Dubbed the Coronavirus, is this a real Medical Virus or simply a cover-up to justify the inevitable Financial Crash and the "Big Reset"?

in #coronavirus5 years ago

#Coronavirus - Fake or Real?



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Contrary to popular belief, the truth surrounding #Coronavirus is not what we are being told

Fake or Real?

Dubbed the #Coronavirus, is this a real Medical Virus or simply a cover-up to justify the inevitable Financial Crash and the "Big Reset"?

Despite being reported as a Medical Virus, this so called virus has a zero effect as a medical contaminated health risk.

Sure, there may be health risks down the line, but it will not be through the contamination in the form of a medical virus.

I have repeatedly stated in the past that there is 0% chance of catching #Coronavirus but 100% chance of being wrapped up the incoming Financial Crash and I stand by this statement.

December 2015

Having witnessed evidence of a significant Systemic Failure to the Global Economy, Global Markets and the Global Financial and Banking System first hand in December 2015, what we are witnessing now is merely the System finally catching.

A Systemic Failure that was inevitable and set to take place post the Financial Debt Crisis of 2008.

The "Big Reset" - Four years in the making

Following the failure of the Systemic Risk of the Global Financial and Banking System in December 2015, it was clear that the System was on course for a major reset, a reset that has often been referred to as the "Big Reset".

This reset of the Global Financial and Banking System along with the Global Economy and the Global Markets has been four years in the making and is now currently taking place.

Quick and Fast - Smoke Screen

As the reset takes place, #Coronavirus will be used to mask over what is really going on beneath the scenes and will effectively be used solely as a smoke screen.

This smoke screen will simply dissipate as fast at it appeared and I expect the whole reset to be very quick and very fast.


I am often asked for timescales for the event and I would say everything will be over within 4 - 6 months with the peak of the reset taking place between April - June.

By September it will be all but over, with everything wrapped up by the end of 2020.

Post the end of 2020 and the start of 2021 the makeup of the Global Economy, Global Markets and the Global Financial and Banking System will be completely different from Global Trade, Supply Chains, Markets and Finance.

Should people panic?

Having talked about the shameful reporting of #Coronavirus in the past, I am often asked, should people panic?

My answer to this has always been the same.

Don't panic, simply be more aware of what is going on.

What will be the reported price tag for #Coronavirus?

Though a smoke screen, #Coronavirus will come with a reported price tag and I expect that this will be somewhere between $17 trillion to $23 trillion.

This cost is not actually a cost, merely a reallocation of value of the Global Markets post the reset.

Superheros sweeping in to save the day

In order to save Central Governments and Central Banks around the World from the embarrassment of having to explain the failures once more following the shenanigans of 2008, #Coronavirus gives them them the perfect excuse to become Superheros sweeping in to save the day.!!

A mountain of evidence out there

With a mountain of evidence out there, you simply have to put the pieces of the jigsaw together to realise that there are a significant number of flaws in the official narrative that is being reported.

I expect to see a bloodbath in the Markets next week

As the "Big Reset" continues to take place, I expect to see a bloodbath continue in the Markets next week with $trillions once more being wiped off the Stock Markets around the World.

With $trillions of valuation continuing to be wiped off, I also expect to see the ramping up in the narrative of the #Coronavirus.

Stay well everyone and if possible, do not panic, but look closely to what you are being told.

Thanks again for reading.



I somewhat agree with what you are saying!

In order to save Central Governments and Central Banks around the World from the embarrassment of having to explain the failures once more following the shenanigans of 2008, #Coronavirus gives them them the perfect excuse to become Superheros sweeping in to save the day.!!

It's the perfect cover. They will simply say it was not their fault!

The problem with this is there is actually a virus... or maybe a bacteria (or maybe both, and several)
that is ripping its way through China.

Too many people have disappeared in China.

Now, the MSM reporting on the virus is just as you say, a nothing burger, with much hype and scary words.

The biggest cases are cruise ships. Easily controlled, easily quarantined things. However, those people on the ship came from somewhere, and that somewhere is just as infected. And no one is talking about that.

So, i cannot agree with you that the virus doesn't exist, but i can agree with all of the things that govern-cements, the FED and the media are doing.

It is very likely that patient zero worked at the only level 4 containment facility in China. Who then went to a giant get together of military people from all over the country, and then...

It is soooo easy to make this into a conspiracy theory. There are so many fingers do just the wrong thing at just the wrong time.

The end result is that a lot of people are going to get the flu. And this is going to mess with travel, get togethers, supply chains, economics...

It is fake... I'm sure they had long planned it


Forgot to mention, a video I watched recently by Dr. Berg puts the whole Coronavirus in prospective - well worth a watch ( only 10 minutes in length).

The video has been delisted. I wonder why?

It explained , what in reality is happening!

I stand to believe your assumptions, I’m from Africa and I expect to see more damage from the so called coronavirus, but till now no record is found in my country Nigeria apart from the one reported about an Italian official to Nigeria.

Is either it’s a smoke screen to financial crisis or that God is now only for vulnerable Africans.

We are not going to see the full fallout for the next couple of months but having half of the world's manufacturing solely based in China and compromised is definitely shutting things down.

You have to be careful when you outsource so much technology. As well as manufacturing.

I think that you have a significant chance of getting infected because this thing is blowing around the globe.

Thankfully of the two varieties we know of. The least lethal variety is running around and we are calculating to to 3% lethality rate which is going to be a huge hit.

if the second version gets out and into widespread endemic circulation with the community we are looking at a good 40% Loss.

If that happens there will be plenty of opportunities and money laying around for the survivors.

Systems are not changed in days its take some time to replace current financial system with new one

Oh yeah, and the entire medical profession is in cahoot with the world banking elite. Do you realize how much you would have to pay to buy off and silence each and every doctor, nurse and other medical staff of each and every country?

Oh noes, and so there wouldn't be any whistleblowers, at all? I'd say the chances of that is nil. Ah, but those whistleblowers are killed I hear you say. That'd mean the majority of doctors that are treating this disease should be killed. They don't have a duty to the highest bidder, they have a duty to their patients and the hippocratic oath.

I know many medical professionals, and they all have a global medical emergency on their hands. To make light of that is highly offensive, if not even dangerous. If people believe what you are saying, they will be putting their (and others') lives at risk. Are you prepared to take that responsibility?

Let's get back to the subject when we have recovered. If we are lucky that is.

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