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RE: Something Doesn't Add Up About This Coronavirus

in #coronavirus5 years ago

"65 million!" Wow ... And we wonder why the U.S. stock market has tanked so significantly over the last couple of days ... We'll likely see soon enough how serious this is. Obviously for ...

"... 80 fatalities, 51 recoveries. ..."

... 80 people, it is deadly serious.

Another well researched and written post @patriamreminisci. I always enjoy reading what you have been inspired to write. Thank you for your efforts.

As you rightly point out, it appears you may have gotten out of China just in time. Divine intervention!

P.S. As I have done before, I will see what I can do to bring "more eyes" to your work.


Many thanks for that.

As for finding out how serious it is, we'll know more in a few weeks. Right now, most people who have it, are still sick with it: neither recovered nor dead. And yet, I can't help but notice: This is the year when China's population of senior citizens was finally predicted to drag their economic growth down by more than any other factor except the Trade War. And suddenly, a virus breaks out, under suspicious circumstances, that spreads like hell, doesn't seem to kill anyone except senior citizens.
I'm not quite accusing yet (the implication I'm flirting with is sinister even by Chinese standards so I'd want more than just coincidence before I tried to actually build a case for it), but that's awfully convenient timing.

Yes @patriamreminisci, interesting speculation ...

"... doesn't seem to kill anyone except senior citizens."

... but we might agree that the elderly ...

"... drag their economic growth down ..."

... is a much larger problem than just in China. Much of the Western world is aging steadily, with the steadily declining birth rates over decades. Leaving the younger generation to feel unduly (and "unfairly"?) "stressed" by the requirement to pay for all of the social contracts already in place to care for their elderly.

My prediction? It will be a much bigger problem than just China in future deliberations about what to do with all of "the useless eaters, with a duty to die ..." (an old quote from a former governor of Colorado ...).

We'll likely all find out soon enough.

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