Rigged Rona Stats - 898

Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why

"As Minnesota lawmaker and longtime family practitioner Dr. Scott Jensen recently observed, hospitals are incentivized to pressure physicians to include COVID-19 on death certificates and discharge papers, since the CARES Act increases Medicare payments to hospitals treating COVID-19 victims."

Tuesday 6-23-20



He proved himself to be a liar when he said:

“We aren’t pressured to test for flu,” Dr. Erickson said during his press conference. “Why are we being pressured to add Covid?”

His original claim was that he talked with other doctors who said that...not himself. These are two doctors who owned a med center who were losing money because people were afraid to go there and a lot of non life threatening medical procedures were put on hold. So they decided to make it sound like doctors were doing stuff they ordinarily didn't do but that's not the truth. If a person has an illness and is known to have come down with the flu and they die it's listed as dying from their illness complicated by the flu, same with pneumonia. For upwards of two years after a flu season the CDC goes over every death record and list anybody who died of a respiratory disease and pneumonia as having died from their illness complicated by the flu regardless if there is proof they actually had the flu....that's because many times people will get sick with the flu but never go to the hospital but it made their primary illness so bad they finally end up going...but showing no signs of flu they often are not tested. Some say they do this to up the numbers dying from the flu to justify flu vaccines but the whole point in this case isn't the argument why they do it but the fact of the matter that what's going on now isn't any different then what's usually done....and there is a statement to that fact right on the CDC's website.

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