Coronavirus summary update 29/04/2020

in #coronavirus4 years ago



Confirmed cases = 3,043,122 (+2.34% from the 27/04/2020)
Deaths = 211,221 (6.94%) (+2.21% from the 27/04/2020)
Recovery = 894,997 (29.41%) (+3.24% from the 27/04/2020)

Active cases = 1,936,904 (+1.94% from the 27/04/2020)

Projected deaths = 134,420
Projected recovery = 569,642

Expected recovery rate = 1,464,693 (+21.6% from the 27/04/2020)
Expected deaths = 345,641 (1 in 8) (+2.05% from the 27/04/2020)



Confirmed cases = 3,117,756 (+2.39% from 28/04/2020)
Deaths = 217,207 (6.96%) (+2.75% from 28/04/2020)
Recovery = 932,114 (1 in 3) (29.89%) (+3.01% from 28/04/2020)

Active cases = 1,968,435 (+1.6% from 28/04/2020)

Projected deaths = 137,003
Projected recovery = 588,365

Expected recovery rate = 1,520,479 (+3.66% from 28/04/2020)
Expected deaths = 354,217 (1 in 9) (+2.41% from 28/04/2020)

For every 1 in 9 people that would die, there would be 3 people in that cohort that would recover.


UK Data


Confirmed cases = 158,348 (+2.72% from the 27/04/2020)
Deaths = 21,092 (13.32%) (+1.7% from the 27/04/2020)

(Something is not correct when the world death rate % is +6.94%)

Recovery = 809 (1 in 195) (0.51%) (+3.83% from the 27/04/2020)

(There is something not correct about this when the world recovery ratio is 1 in 3 and % = 29.41%)

Active cases = 136,447 (+2.47% from the 27/04/2020)

Projected deaths = 18,174
Projected recovery = 695

Expected recovery rate = 1,504 (+4.25% from the 27/04/2020)
Expected deaths = 39,226 (1 in 4) (+1.8% from the 27/04/2020)



Confirmed cases = 162,350 (+2.46 from 28/04/2020)
Deaths = 21,678 (13.35%) (+2.7% from 28/04/2020)
Recovery = 813 (1 in 199) (0.5%) (+0.49% from 28/04/2020)

Active cases = 139,859 (+2.43% from 28/04/2020)

Projected deaths = 18,671
Projected recovery = 699

Expected recovery rate = 1,512 (+0.52% from 28/04/2020)
Expected deaths = 40,349 (+2.78% from 28/04/2020)


Comparing COVID-19 to the Seasonal Winter Flu

Comparing the seasonal flu to the COVID-19 virus death rate i.e. as of 29/04/2020 = 217,207 has shown that COVID-19 is still not even close to being as problematic as seasonal flu i.e. the COVID-19 virus death rate is 25.1% lower than 2019 seasonal flu deaths. And this is working from the lowest value i.e. 290,000 in the range. The range for seasonal flu being between 290,000 - 650,000 deaths every year from seasonal flu. However, taking the range between the two values i.e. 290,000 - 650,000 = 360,000 deaths EVERY YEAR then the mortality rate for COVID-19 in comparison to every season Winter flu drops to 39.66% below every SEASONAL WINTER FLU since 1935. And, if you calculate the percentage i.e. 646,000 deaths from Seasonal flu each year then the COVID-19 deaths pale in comparison i.e. 66.37% below Seasonal flu. So, it is not as big a problem as predicted.


29-day summary report

This 29-day report was performed to illustrate that, not only are the confirmed Coronavirus cases decreasing i.e. +9.14% - 2.39+% and the rate of recovery increasing i.e. 20.74% - 29.89%, and it is dissipating at a rate consistent with every Seasonal Flu since 1935. Unfortunately, the death rate has increased +4.9% - +6.96%, but how many of the death can be attributable to COVID-19 i.e. how many of the new confirmed cases are in an at-risk group. Therefore, as predicted, the decline in COVID-19 is going to become apparent by the end of April/beginning of May 2020. And, that the virus will be gone by the 2/3 week of May 2020.


Your summary conclusions may be faulty.

May be because Johns Hopkins is funded by B. Gates so the data and the summaries are definitely faulty. Thw numbers as I found out were inflated so show more than there actually was. So, I agree....hence why I stopped doing the summaries.

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