Dr. Rashid Buttar's findings on the Coronavirus, Covid-19 and how the Scientific Community states it fails to Stack Up against Koch's Postulates. Why isn't MSM reporting this and All the Facts? Why do they push FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt?

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)

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I cannot thank Kimberly Mara Zuller enough for this Incredible Link!

Dr. Rashid Buttar lays out evidence and what has been exposed by the Scientific community concerning the Coronavirus also known now as Covid-19.

I have summarized much of what he said, to go directly to his video go here and sources I have found are at the very bottom of this article. Summary follows if you prefer to skim, read or gather reference points.
Covid-19 Virus Conspiracy? Truth About Corona Virus: Part 1- Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

**Summary taken from Dr. Rashid Buttar, the Worldometer and Koch's Postulates

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Truth about Covid-19 virus Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

He said there Are things to feat, but NOT Covid-19

The Scientific Community said this Virus’ studies didn’t even meet the Koch Postulate. ..what every virologist and scientist considers the Standard for Proof, cause, effect and measuring outcomes.

Italy and Iran hardest hit. WHY? Dr. Buttar addresses this.

Italy has Already reported that over 99% of the population there who was said to have died from the Coronavirus had Other Serious Medical Conditions.

Dr. Buttar states, “so it wasn’t the coronavirus that killed them and how No one is reporting all the Thousands and Thousands of recoveries.

The Vast Majority of the people have recovered as verified by the Worldometer. NewsWeek was honest enough to report this, but not the rest according to Dr. Buttar.

Did you know. . .Most have recovered within 24 hours! Most back to fighting strength within 72 hours.

What is a deceibo? Dr. Buttar states, “If you think it’s going to happen and you create that thought and process, then you Make it Happen.”

Just Think of the Opposite effect and the known power it has. .A Placebo!

Remember how I am always telling family, friends, followers and subs Your thoughts are Energy? They are Very Powerful because That is how God created us!

Many of us have pointed out this Pandemic and the statements the media is making is Not stacked up against actual numbers, comparisons and what the testing standard are as far as did they vet it with their Science.

How many False Positives, how many negatives. How do we know those Saying they have the virus actually have it as Many claim to have it, but have not been tested.

How about that test? Do we know how many False Positives and False Negatives there are?

Dr. Buttar addresses numbers from the Worldometer which shows all the different statistics on a global scale and what you will find is rather interesting considering what is NOT being reported.

Many people out there are making claims from news media whether it be the New York Times, the Washington Post and honestly, we Don’t Want people’s Opinions or Thoughts . When it comes to a Pandemic we don’t even want Fox News’ thoughts and opinions. We want Facts, Numbers and a World Wide swath of statistics it can be stacked up against.

These numbers Dr. Buttar are very telling and may clarify just Why much of MSM does not give you all of the Real Statistics. It Won’t fit their Narrative and This is why you should Always be Testing The Narrative!

Dr. Buttar wonders why all these people so worried about getting the Coronavirus aren’t more worried about getting caner because That is more likely. He states in North American your chance of getting cancer is 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will get cancer at some time in their life as he states That is what the statistics are! He feels it’s based upon hysteria promoted.

All he is saying is Look at the numbers. These are just the facts. Does it warrant this level of FUD?

He states, the number of people who have died of the Coronavirus compared to the number of people that have died from other means to do with health in the world since January 1, 2020 Is less than 0.1%. So remember your fun math and what percent means.
You place your 1 over 100 so you can divide 1 by 100 or the shortcut make that decimal point travel to the left when divided and fill up each space with a zero. So that gives you 2 travel steps as 100 has 2 zeros. New arrival in decimal form IS 0.001 (if your teacher was a stickler for wanting to see a 0 before that decimal point and Most Were)!

So 0 by the way. ..with this after it .001. Now let’s put that Up Against Real Numbers and Not msm fear mongering and hype. Have ANY of them said the Real Numbers of Other deaths or told you how the Actual number of deaths from Coronavirus compare to All other Deaths? I haven’t heard anyone, but then again I do my best to tune their fear mongering out!

Once again at that point in time. ..1.8 million had died from cancer so less than the first quarter of the year and 0.001 had died from the Coronavirus. As I have stated before, Why weren’t these people spending their time and resources on Cancer issues? That appears to be the Pandemic! What about Babies dying? Headed towards 11 million.

What Blinders are over people’s eyes that Makes That Okay?

You can see the world’s population at around 7,775,000,000

The total deaths are nearing 15,000,000

Deaths for today are nearing 70,000

Net population growth at about 20.5 thousand.

Now he did this March 21,, 2020 so his numbers were a little lower than the numbers I am giving from today’s date of 4/2/2020

2,876,689 communicable disease deaths back in Jan.

Now they are 3,285,841. As of April2, 2020

Is that alarming? Is that representative of what generally occurs within a few months?

Now take a look at deaths by abortion. . .almost 11 million

How about death by Cancer over 2 million

Deaths caused by smoking 1 million

Alcohol related deaths 633,000

Money spent on illegal drugs over 101 Trillion

Deaths caused by HIV/Aids over 41 million

Road traffic/pedestrian deaths over 341,000

How about we stack all of this up against Coronavirus?

What in the WORLD?

Coronavirus Cases:
view by country


Now this has tripled for Cases since he reported this on March 21, 2020 so I am sure That is part of what people feel they are concerned about.

But lets look at deaths. Around 13,000 on March 21,2020 and now what they Claim is the death toll (keep in mind we don’t know if they were tested or what they are verified against) 49,000 now.

Dr. Buttar states, it’s important to note. . .most of those who recovered were sick for less than 48 hours and most only 24 hours.

He wants to know Why the media isn’t talking about those who recovered and the 0.001 who have died from Coronavirus.

The numbers from March 21,2020
13 million deaths so far from Jan1, 2020 to March 21, 2020 which 13,000 or 1/1000 have been Coronavirus related.

So in other words 1 out of a thousand have died from Coronavirus.

Green Med info had a good summary.

Dr. Buttar states, “no one has ever actually seen the coronavirus and isolated it. What they’ve done is taken the RNA components of the virus, tested from that. Then they have made the extrapolation that this is what a person has. ..they have the virus.”

Finally. . .he addresses later on what I keep asking, the Testing, What are the parameters, like False Positives?

An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material.[1] This nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) but may be double-stranded RNA (dsRNA).[2] Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include Ebola virus disease, SARS, COVID-19, rabies, common cold, influenza, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, West Nile fever, polio and measles.

Some scientists were honest in admitting and quoting by scientific studies to have stated, “they did not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in the blood.”

Scientists admitted their study on this virus does not fulfill Koch’s Postulates!

Interesting right? Especially from certain Progressive and MSM groups who Claim they are about the “Science.” Doesn’t look like they are about Science at all unless they can manipulate it to Fit their Drama, Emotions and Agenda!

In other words, they Never followed Scientific Protocol acknowledged by the Scientific Community (Koch’s Postulates which they are to be held up against) prior to creating the Fear Frenzy over this “virus.” Doesn’t even follow their OWN rules. Interesting isn’t it?

I will tell you there were supposed to be other parts to this. Many are reporting they keep being taken down by YT. I run a YT channel also and I Know this to be fact as I back up what I can here and on Bitchute because there are those Elitists out there who don't want Truth spread to the masses.

Stay Safe out there and Godspeed!

Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so?
Now do you believe in rock and roll?
Can music save your mortal soul?
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?

Now for ten years we've been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone
But that's not how it used to be
When the jester sang for the king and queen
In a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me

Oh, and while the king was looking down
The jester stole his thorny crown
The courtroom was adjourned
No verdict was returned

And while Lenin read a book on Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died

Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 12.12.09 PM.png

Hugh Hefner, Jayne Mansfield, Anton LaVey, Hefner's photographer, did tunnels hide child evidence?

American Pie written in 1971

Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation lost in space
With no time left to start again
So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
'Cause fire is the devil's only friend

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan's spell

And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died

He was singing bye, bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n rye
And singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

Sources and Connecting reports, articles and info for further study and verification

Real time numbers here,

Studies Find Natural Treatments for Coronavirus

Italian Government Study: 99% of their Coronavirus Fatalities Were Already Sick; Half Diagnosed with 3 or More Diseases


Op-Ed: Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?

Corona labs possible bioweapon known about in China in 2015 as reported by Italy

It's the end of the world song match up and Human Cheese made from Celebrities nit bits in museum

Celebrity Corona, latest information on Coronavirus Task Force, Roses comms & interesting Computing

Coronavirus path what they knew/know about the coronavirus at World Health Organization labs.

Coronavirus prt 2 What is/was happening behind the scenes. Events in Wuhan since 2004 to Jan. 2020



After highlighting and dropping some info from these two medical sites and a pdf,



A Small-Molecule Furin Inhibitor Inhibits Cancer Cell Motility and Invasiveness

Facebook Frames Where's the Birthday Party, Cheesecake and Jelly beans? Malls and functions closing down in many places it seems.

It’s the End of the World as we know it! Or as I like to call. . .the deprogramming as many Don't Know it! Definitely Times are changing, but no worries, the shut downs Won’t last too long! Just the amount of time it takes to keep everyone safe.

Facebook Frames Harvard University Professor who worked at Wuhan University of Technology and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases.

I will show you how there are Connections All over the MAP!

a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...

Not good for it and Why God said #FearNoMore

Live Coronavirus Task Force White House Briefing Today.

Who has Eyes to See and Ears to Hear?

Plenty do. I have seen you out there!

Another jaunt through What they were Telling us, and the globalists thought we were just sitting still not tracking!

Lyrics in We Built This City,

It's just another Sunday
In a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh
Then we just lost the beat

Who counts the money underneath the bar?
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?
Don't tell us you need us 'cause we're the ship of fools
Looking for America, coming through your schools

Do you SEE it?

We were Sick of
"sinking in your fight all globalists and cabal owned corps or corporations". #NoMoreCorporationGames, #TheyreAlwaysChangingCorporationNames, (What was the forerunner to FB. AOL?) #TheyCallUsIrresponsibleAndWriteUsOffThePage, WE'RE STILL STANDING in Spite Of YOU! You are Not sitting so pretty. #WhiteRabbit!

Notice all the Signaling from Elites?

Have you seen what Ellen, Madonna and Hanx have been up to? Will put Facebook Frames links in comments of Original Post in case you haven't seen.

How about that caged canary inside a Q?

Had a Super Guardian of Children point out the connection to canary's in the mines back in the day. Take a stab at how early that started. Interesting date isn't it?

If you go look up the Smithsonian you will find this interesting info, (Will drop a link in comments of Original Post directly from the Smithsonian)

On this day in 1986, a mining tradition dating back to 1911 ended: the use of canaries in coal mines to detect carbon monoxide and other toxic gases before they hurt humans. New plans from the government declared that the “electronic nose,” a detector with a digital reading, would replace the birds, according to the BBC.
Read more and get more connections/links here,

Hear how China and CDC didn't "Let us Know" about some Live Exercises and President Donald J. Trump states here, "They should have let us know!"

Don't YOU think they should have let us know When they were aware? Why didn't they?
Hear more with evidence here,

Facebook Frames Smith Corona typewriter and signaling by elites doing their "coronavirus diaries" and all sorts of what appear to be gimmicks!

Info dropped by Patrick
I use my computer to help with medical studies (Folding@Home).
A brand new work unit (11751) for the Corona Virus project downloaded to my PC tonight, and the description that Stanford gave it, kind of gave me the chills...
Anybody want to explain what this means?
This is what I see: SARS+CORONA+MUTATED= Bioweapon(?)

Facebook Frames Coronavirus Elite Cases and Elitist Resignations #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

Flip through the Frame photos as some of these May surprise you! Many of these Elites are Well Connected!

Facebook Frames the Power's in the Blood can be Flipped!

Flip through Frames and it tells the story.

Will drop links, sources and connectors over prior research in comments of Original Post.

Facebook Frames on What is closed and where. I am just focusing on a few places. Feel free to put an update of your area in comments. Would be interesting to hear about!

Interesting to see states with Large Numbers of #SealedIndictments have much of their industry and services closed. #ThoseWhoYellTheLoudest

Take New York for example, 9,172 Sealed Cases



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#AreYouAwakeYet? #WeveBeenTryingToTellYouWhatTheyAreDoing https://patents.google.com/patent/US4501923A/en

Frames Coronavirus traced to the British Crown and many of the ways they have put a Light directly on what they are doing think Intellectual Property and Kobe Bryant's remains buried at Corona del Mar!

Facebook Frames Where's the Birthday Party, Cheesecake and Jelly beans? Malls and functions closing down in many places it seems.

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