Happy 10th Anniversary Corbett Report!!!

in #corbettreport7 years ago (edited)

Thank God for James Corbett and his phenomenal research, analysis and thought provoking website https://www.corbettreport.com/

A Personal Thank You to James Corbett

Thank you @corbettreport, I find your work to be an island of sanity in an ocean of muddied waters.

In today's world, Truth seems to be an elusive notion and increasingly a subjective one. So the existence of a fully sourced and well researched outlet, such as the Corbett Report, to help navigate the rough seas of disinformation is valuable to me, and certainly to thousands more like-minded thinkers.

I'm ashamed to say that when I first came across the Corbett Report I dismissed it offhand because of the low quality production. That was probably about 4 or 5 years ago and, I'm also ashamed to say, I didn't fully come to appreciate James' incredible body of work until I watched his documentary:

How Big Oil Conquered the World

Up until I saw this mind blowing documentary (2015), I had seen some of his pieces on 911 which I was already well versed in, but this documentary was something special. As a podcast and documentary enthusiast, I immediately started to explore Corbett's archive. Today, I can proudly say that the Corbett Report is now my go-to source for news and perspective on current events.

Corbett Classics

Some of may favorite contributions has to be the Requiem for the Suicided, and absolutely mind blowing series including episodes about:

Gary Webb / The DC Madam / Kenneth Trentadue / Terrance Yeakey / Vince Foster / Danny Casolaro / David Kelly

Another must see is The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh, absolutely essential viewing. In my opinion, these are some of the most fascinating profiles about individuals who may be familiar to some but their stories are presented in a very different perspective. The official versions of these stories are often relayed to the public in simplistic terms and all too often ignored or kept out of the public discourse. I HIGHLY, recommend you watch these pieces with an open mind. Not that Mr. Corbett is all knowledgeable and these versions should be taken as gospel, but that we should always question the official narrative.

The Assassination of MLK

Recently, I've had my mind blown once again by @corbettreport with this paradigm shifting interview with WIlliam Pepper about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.. All I can say is that I thought I had heard it all until I listened to this illuminating interview.


The first I ever heard of Steemit was from James Corbett in a discussion about how we can fight censorship and grow crowd sourced journalism. I took note that it was something i should check out, but didn't find the time initially. Not long after, I began watching @titusfrost videos on YouTube where he also promoted Steemit. But it wasn't until the CTR invasion of Reddit (r/politics), moderator censorship and the banning of several subreddits that I eventual came to Steemit. I have to thank @corbettreport and @titusfrost for recommending Steemit as a platform that has helped me grow as a writer and researcher.

Support for Independent Media

The need for independent journalism is greater than ever before in our contemporary society. Fake News about 'Russian Hacks', the origins of ISIS, political corruption, and the justifications for war are constantly bombarding our psyches when the truth is being buried in an avalanche of corporate and state propaganda. We often feel helpless in the face of these events and the reality that surrounds us.

There are ways to fight back.

I've made a decision to support independent journalism whenever I can, either by helping to direct people towards quality information or by directly supporting alternative media financially. Even a modest contribution goes a long way.

Heck, you can support James Corbett for as little as $1/month by subscribing to his website. I urge people to consider donating to Corbett or any other deserving independent journalists who help make our crazy world more comprehensible and, hopefully, enlightened.

You can subscribe to the Corbett Report on the website or support him through Patreon.


I'd like to propose a toast, to James, thank you for your invaluable contribution to the Truth!

Here's To Ten More Years



James Corbett is probably the greatest investigative journalist out there right now. His work exposing the conspiracies of our time has been nothing short of miraculous. He seems to be able to communicate his message of truth to all people at the same time regardless of there level of awareness. Below is an example of his brilliance.
9/11 A conspiracy theory.


Thanks @v4vapid

You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "resteem" TAG (hashtag)


Thanks @cassidyandfranks, you're awesome!

Your welcome @v4vapid


Huge fan of James Corbett. I appreciate his approach to topics such as secret societies and the NWO. One thing he needs to fix though is that terrible "GLOBE" logo lol :) C'mon James it's 2017, we don't live on a ball :)

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