Pray You NEVER Get Pulled Over by THIS Cop!!

in #cops7 years ago

Yeah, the guy would have been smart to pull over, but this power-hungry Sheriff is a blood-thirsty maniac!

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Was this sheriff the person that Denzel Washington's character was modeled after in Training Day? I can totally see the similarities, 100% psychopath with a badge.

I don't know how much more people can take, something's gotta give. If these state sanctioned murderers don't start getting punished, I'm very fearful for what might happen next.

P.S. I always leave your videos rather upset. Can't you just once do a "kitten video." Just kidding, thanks for sharing Brian... ... ... but seriously think about a highimpactkittenflix. Lolz

Good friend, hope what friends do will be very useful for the crowd

Here it is, the pyramid of law enforcement at work. Those higher up feeling they can do anything without being touched enhancing their psychotic mindset, Those below made to fall in line or leave allowing someone in that might cave to the peer pressure and join the mindset.

That poor deputy who followed orders, but in hindsight will regret his actions, will be left to deal with this as best he can for the rest of his life and for what? a person driving without a licence.

This is how we are left with the worst people higher up. You either fall in line or get out.

Thanks Sheriff, for showing the real corruption in the system. I just wish your victim could have lived to see the day your heroic orders saved the lives of so many innocent drivers that day.

incredible hopefully the results of your work can bring blessings to many people, thank you for sharing

F**k sherriff forgot that he is the servant of the tax payers not excutioner.

Why do we even vote for a sherrif? Was this Serriff prosecuted?

This is the epitome of state sanctioned violence AND the totality of the mind control that law enforcement and military personnel are under. We need to reach critical mass...soon

Are these the heroes everyone in the media is always talking about?

The American police force needs to be purged❗️I know good cops and this one isn’t one of them . Sick bastard should serve life in prison for murder of an unarmed civilian .

You are right!! I don't believe there are "good" cops - good people perhaps, making misguided choices, even with the best of intentions. If you follow all orders, even evil ones, you are not a good cop; if you don't follow orders, then you are not a good cop to other cops and "authorities"; and then some cops are just straight up criminals in disguise who see everyone below them as subjects. If he was truly a "good" cop, he'd turn in his badge and expose the truth about the criminal nature of his colleagues and maybe get hired on with a private security organization.

As of today, 146 people have been killed by police in the USA in 2018, that's roughly 3 people killed every single day! I bugged out of the city years ago, but damn, now I am nervous about traveling anywhere outside of my hiddle little community in the mountains. This is just getting insane and it's getting to the point where you have to starting arming yourself to the teeth just to get through the day.

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