Do copper bracelets really work?

in #copper2 years ago

Your question is about 'magnetic copper bracelets. Actually, such a thing does not exist because copper is not magnetic. However, both copper and magnetic bracelets have been used to overcome health issues. Let's look at each in turn.

Magnetic bracelets are commonly used to treat arthritic conditions. Copper has anti-inflammatory effects in the body, and may therefore have painkilling properties.

One study showed that copper from a bracelet can be absorbed into the body, and it does seem that this can offer some relief from arthritic pain. While copper bracelets may help joint problems, I think it is unlikely that they will provide significant relief for a condition such as chronic fatigue syndrome.

However, a magnetic bracelet may indeed help you. These are commonly used to treat a range of conditions including arthritis, migraine, and even fatigue. The concept that something as simple as a magnet could relieve these and other conditions is perhaps difficult to accept. Nevertheless, there is at least some scientific evidence to support the usefulness of magnet therapy.

There are countless reports of people who have found magnet therapy has relieved a variety of conditions including arthritis, menstrual cramps, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is not known for sure how magnets work. What is known, however, is that magnetic fields exist in all living things, including our own bodies, and some scientists believe that an imbalance in the body's field can lead to pain and disease.

It is thought that magnets may rebalance the body's energy, thereby restoring health and relieving pain. There is also some evidence that magnets may improve blood flow, helping with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues.

For a free information pack on magnetic jewelry, write to Magna Jewelry, P.O. Box 338, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 8HZ.

The Defense Bracelet is your key to health and comfort

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