Cook With Us #13- A vegan ode to autumn

in #cookwithus6 years ago (edited)



Hi er'body!

Firstly, huge thanks to @chefsteve, @offoodandart and @pandamama from the @cookwithus team for hosting this most wonderous weekly contest!
If you haven't entered yet, head on down and meet the community of beautiful humans making delicious things!

So this week's primary theme is vegan- with onion being the mystery theme.
Naturally, I had to feature an onion.

While we had a little sunshine on Sunday, it's been pouring with rain all week and I think I subconsciously sought the warm-snuggly feeling only food in a bowl can provide. What started with a lone breadtin filled with confit onions, radishes and garlic ended up as a warm stack of comfort made for Autumn.

Here's how I made it:

Autumn Bowl:

(Serves 2)

Confit Onion, Garlic and Radish:


  • Enough extra virgin olive oil to cover veggies- about 300ml, more if your container is larger. (it seems like a lot, but the oil will be used in several parts of the recipe, is beautifully infused with flavour and can be used in cooking, salad dressings or even aioli for future recipes.)
  • 2 Sprigs of Thyme
  • 1 Tsp Coriander seeds (it adds lovely warmth to onions. Highly recommended)
  • 1 White onion, quartered with root intact
  • 6-10 baby radishes, depending on size (Wash thoroughly and pat dry before adding to oil)
  • 6 Cloves of garlic, whole


  1. In a small, oven proof container, fit onions, garlic and radishes and pour over oil to cover completely.
  2. Add coriander and thyme and place in a low oven (lowest mine goes is 130c) for 40-60 minutes, depending on the lowest setting, until soft.
  3. Allow to cool in the oil .
  4. Griddle onions, garlic and radishes until slightly charred just before serving. Season with salt and pepper.

Steam-Roasted Beets


  • 4 baby or 1 large beet.


  1. Wrap in foil and place in oven with the confit veggies. Depending on the size they may need to stay in a little longer. They're ready when they feel like a ripe avocado when squeezed. (Very technical, I know!)
  2. Keep warm and peel just before serving by wiping it with the foil it's been baked in, the skin should pop right off, this takes about an hour depending on the size of your beets.
  3. Cut into wedges and drizzle with a little lemon and oil from the confit mixture before seasoning with salt.

Cauliflower Puree


  • 1 Cauliflower, broken into florets
  • Juice of Half a lemon
  • 1 Tsp nutritional yeast (optional)
  • Salt and white pepper
  • 1 Tbsp Confit oil


  1. Place in a pot with 1/2 Cup of water, squeeze of lemon and a little salt.
  2. Cover with a lid and steam on medium heat until a piece pressed into the side of the pot with a spoon mashes easily, about 6 minutes.
  3. Add confit oil, nutritional yeast (if using) and season then place in blender with cooking liquid and pulse until smooth. (a stick blender works fine here too!)
  4. Return to pot and keep warm until serving.

##Mustard Onion Sauce


  • 1 White onion sliced
  • 1/4 yellow pepper, diced
  • 1 Tbsp Confit oil and the garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp Whole Grain Mustard
  • 1 Tsp Mustard Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 1/4 Cup of white wine vinegar
  • 1 Cup Vegetable Stock (I used powdered)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 Sprig of thyme


  1. Saute onions and peppers with garlic, thyme and oil over low heat until caramelized
  2. Deglaze with vinegar before adding mustard powder, honey, whole grain mustard and stock.
  3. Simmer over high heat, stirring regularly until reduced by half.
  4. Season to taste with salt and black pepper

Griddle Vegetables


  • 1/4 Butternut sliced thinly (I used a mandolin, and the top half of a butternut to get even pieces, the rest was used for soup!)
  • 4-6 Brown or Cremini Mushrooms, depending on size (I ued 6 Creminis, but that's because I'm a little mushroom glutton)
  • Confit onions and radishes
  • Sprig of thyme and seasoning to taste.
  1. Brush griddle pan with a little confit oil and turn up the heat.
  2. Add thyme and veggies and griddle until beautifully charred and lovely barmarks have formed- about 4 minutes.
  3. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Sesame Rice Crackers

(These are worth making a huge batch of and storing in an airtight container as a snack.)

  • 1 Cup cooked rice
  • 1/2 Cup Rice Flour
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1/2 Tsp smoked Paprika
  • 1/4 Cup Sesame Seeds
  • Salt, Pepper to taste


  1. Place rice, rice flour, water, paprika and seasoning in a blender and pulse until a coarse paste forms (you can make it super smooth, but I like the texture of little bits of rice)
  2. Spread a quarter of the mixture about 5mm thick onto a silicon mat or well-greased baking sheet, sprinkle with an even layer of sesame seeds and bake in low oven (with your confit veggies is fine) until dehydrated and crisp, but still blonde
  3. Break into shards and store in airtight container until ready to use. (Freeze mix for later baking up to a month, or repeat with the rest and store for up to a week)

##Quick Pickle Radish

  • 1 large or 2 small radishes sliced thinly
  • 3 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1Tsp honey
  • 1/2 Tsp Coriander Seeds


  1. In a small microwaveable container, heat coriander seeds, vinegar and honey until boiling.
  2. Stir in Radishes and set aside to cool.

To Assemble:

  1. Spoon Cauli Puree onto bottom of a bowl.
  2. Layer veggies decoratively, leaving just a small gap in the middle so the puree can still be seen
  3. Spoon over onion sauce
  4. Top with Rice Crackers and sprigs of thyme.
  5. Serve hot and eat it on your lap somewhere comfy.



This is Five-Stars-Cuisine! Wonderful! 😋

This looks so delicious, I didn't realize the mystery theme was onion hahaha im New too this, thanks for enlightening me today

haha not to worry, you can enter either the primary theme, mystery theme or a combination of both- so your beautiful plate is still in the running! Welcome to the contest!

Wow!!! Amazing and very beautiful photography!

This dish can sate the most strict carnivore! So much wonderful umami flavor happening here! Where to begin...? the puree is wonderful and I have just learned to use nutritional yeast. It adds so much flavor. Onion confit is a dish by itself! Onions are my favorite vegetable and I could live solely off them! Cooked radishes are so incredible. Their flavor mellows out into a turnip-like taste. I love the way you cut the butternut squash for grilling. Really great idea that I will be borrowing! The beets and mushrooms add to the earthiness of the dish. Your mustard onion sauce in genius. I would like to bath in this! And the sesame cracker adds such a perfect crunch and smokey flavor. This is so well done! Thank you @whattheduck for sharing this dish and for your continued support!

Thanks so much for your always positive and constructive feedback! I think it's remarkable if you look back at everyone's entries how much improvement the posts have shown accross the board. Thanks so much to you and the @cookwithus team for all the time and effort hosting this and keeping us all on our toes! You all certainly deserve your break!

Thank you too! You are right the quality is going up up up!! We are having so much fun hosting this contest and community. BTW- did you see on discord our announcement? We will be on @aggroed's radio show this weekend on Sunday night (middle of the night Monday morning for you!) We would love it if you would join us on the radio show. We have invited members of the discord to be part of our panel to talk about Cook with Us. I know its an odd time for you! But if your up for it we would love to have you join us!

That's awesome! I'll hop over to discord to check the time. Sure I can make a plan!

Oh, the variety of flavors and textures! The shapes and colors are a visual delight. You never cease to impress @whattheduck. Every bite from the cauli purée to the onion confit and all the way to the crispy rice crackers is surely tasty and satisfying.

The butternut squash slices are so beautiful by the way. One can't tell it's squash as they look like cheese (did somebody say vegan?), haha!

Thanks for all your help in giving this Cook with Us community a fun feel! Your positive energy is felt throughout the community. Again, thanks!

Thanks so much for all the work you guys put into hosting this! It's been an absolute blast and I look forward to chapter 2!

*Those butternut slices slow braised in stock with a little nutritional yeast actually tastes quite a lot like sweetmilk cheese (not sure if you get it where you are, it's a processed spread we get in SA and it's bad FOR you, but soooo good.)

Thanks for the additional tip on the butternut squash. I have not heard of sweetmilk cheese but I will look it up (especially since it's bad for you, haha!).

Are you a vegan chef? This presentation is stunning and looks professional. Also the recipe is very sophisticated so I guess I'm not mistaken when I think that you're the chef :)

Thanks for stopping by @delishtreats! While I'm not a vegan, I regularly cook vegetarian or vegan food- I believe the key is to respect the ingredients I'm given, buy cost-effectively and take advantage of the bounty of the season. Thanks so much for your lovely comment! As with all my recipes, if you'd ever like to try it for yourself, you're welcome to leave me a comment or message on instagram and I'll be happy to walk you through any questions you might have!

Hi people. I’m the one who brought autumn to her mind, so I think of this marvelous creation as a sort of collaborative effort. I mean, I didn’t actually “do” anything (whatever that means), but you could think of me more like a muse... like when Kate Winslet was laying on the couch in Titanic... except dressed... and with a beard. Anyway, thanks for the support!

If anyone here is Kate, it's me. Without that door I'd have nothing to serve the food on. (I know what you're thinking, 'That's cold') So was Kate, no wonder Jack went swimmies.


"Your plating is exquisite... the patina on the knob and hinges speaks to the rustic roots of the dish... Is this a seaweed garnish? Excellent choice."

Insert cry-laugh emoji.

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This is gorgeous in every way!

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