Cook With Us #18 - Let's Make Ice Cream! // Es Krim Alpukat

in #cookwithus6 years ago (edited)


It's not even 10 AM here but it's super sunny and hot already

Luckily, I have a chocolate ice cream recipe to share ;-) and it is very easy to make

I am entering this to #cookwithus contest since it's I SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM theme!

I know, I know, I said to myself to stay away from any contests because there are just too many here on Steemit! I would be stuck in front of the screen 24/7 :P But since this is ice :P

I recorded how I made it, but just in case judges aren't able to view dTube, here is the recipe and steps!

- 1 can full fat coconut milk, chilled overnight, scoop the floated thickened cream, discard the coconut water (or use it for something else, but not for this ice cream)
- 2 frozen avocado, pitted
- 1 frozen banana
- 1/4 c + 3 heaping tsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 tsp cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 1/4 c DF chocolate chips

How To
- Place everything in a blender, except for chocolate chips, process until smooth

- Spread into pyrex, sprinkle with chocolate chips, freeze for 4-5 H

Enjoy :D

Pagi Teman!

Hari ini aku mau berbagi resep untuk membuat es krim cokelat yang berbahan dasar buah alpukat.

Resep ini aku ikutsertakan ke lomba memasak yang diadakan oleh @cookwithus, apa kalian yang hobi masak-masak sudah tau akan lomba ini? Setiap minggu mereka memilih tema yang berbeda.

Aku sih ikutannya hanya untuk kali ini, soalnya suka es krim, jadi yah cocok deh wkwkwk

Oia, ini resep es krim cokelatnya, kalau teman-teman ga bisa nonton video di dTube :)

- 1 kaleng santan kental, diamkan dalam kulkas semalam, ambil endapan terkentalnya
- 2 buah alpukat yang sudah dibekukan
- 1 buah pisang yang sudah dibekukan
- 1/4 gelas dan 3 sdt sirup mapel (atau madu)
- 3 sdt bubuk kakao
- 1 sdt esens vanila
- 2 sdm jus jeruk limau
- 1/4 gelas cokelat keping

Cara Membuat
- Blender seluruh bahan hingga lembut, kecuali cokelat keping

- Tuang ke cetakan, taburi cokelat keping, bekukan 4-5 jam

Jadi deh :D

VOTE me as your witness at On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE
Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits

▶️ DTube

waahh.. kalau buat bakulan okeh juga niyh..
ada hitungan modalnya nggak mbak.. hehehehe
enak kah? pisang campur alpokat gitu? kalau alpokat coklat siy biasa.. laah campur pisang, baru dengar ini, trus.. ini beneran simpel ngga ngerepotin sampe pake pake cream segala yaa, santennya kalau pake santen instan musti dibekuin juga kah?.. Thanks for sharing.

Hai dipo

Rata2 es krim vegan (tidak menggunakan/mengkonsumsi produk hewani) menggunakan pisang, kadang terasa, kadang ga, tergantung campuran bahan 😉

Ini bukan santan biasa, santan yang super kental, kalau dikocok bisa jadi seperti whipped cream, jadi lembut

Kalau ga dibekuin, lah namanya jadi jus alpukat 🤣

Ini bukan santan biasa, santan yang super kental, kalau dikocok bisa jadi seperti whipped cream, jadi lembut

oohh bisa jadi ini sama dengan santan instant.. kan disebut juga dikotaknya coconut cream.. bisa dicoba ini kapan2, kalau yang santan krim kan bisa nggak pake dibekuin dah kayaknya yaa, langsung dikocok bareng aja... kerasa banget kayak batu mbak, bisa ancur blendernya.. hihihi. ntar kalau udah di re-stir-freeze aku bagi infonya (tauk dah kapan, nunggu mood bini kalau nyang beginian mah)
terima kasih mbak..

Yes!! Give me all the vegan ice cream! 😋

I have tons more frozen avocado, id like to try avo and mint choc chip, then avocado with coffee/mocha 🤣

I'll take either one. ;)

Sepertinya seger bgt tuh mba,, apa lg saat cuaca lg panas.. 😋

Iya nih cuaca gerah butuh es mulu 😁

Iya mba saat gerah hanya es yg bisa meluluh kan.. 😊😊

choobot: yum!

So, how did it taste????

I loved it, my youngest loved it, my oldest said it tasted more to banana than avo, my husband said next time with shaved chocolate instead chips so they would melt in mouth quicker than the chips

Imma try avo and minty flavor next time, cant wait

Wah... enaknya mbak 😱😭

Ayo deny main sini, tak buatin, tapi enakkan durian euy ketimbang alpukat 😉

Welcome to Cook with Us! We are so happy to have you here!

This combination of chocolate with coconut and avocado sounds incredibly good! It looks so simple to put together too. Thank you for sharing your ice cream with us and good luck!

Hi @thekitchenfairy - thanks for the lovely video - we will put it up on viewly and award 20 VIEW tokens to you as a prize. You will also be a part of their distribution game which will award VIEW tokens to @cookwithus to be further used as prizes going forward. Well done for being our first winner of VIEW tokens
If you are keen to put more of your videos up on Viewly you can let me know and I will join you to the viewly creators telegram group.

Here is the link to your video on
If you are keen to start uploading your videos to reply to this message and I can help you get started

howdy @thekitchenfairy! hey girl this stuff looks like the real thing, I mean no sugar? this is close enough to Keto to call it keto-friendly! I want to try this, great job!

Oh no, banana isnt keto, the chocolate chips too and maple syrup is definitely not keto, they would kick you out of keto


lol! I like breaking the rules!

I enjoyed watching your video! The ice cream you made looks delicious! Banana, avocado, coconut cream, chocolate, maple syrup ... all wonderful ingredients for a refreshing, creamy and flavorful ice cream. I love that it's easy to make as well. I'm sure your ice cream was a hit with the family.

Thanks for your entry @thekickenfairy! Hope to see you again in a future round.

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