Cook with us # 12. Parrilla Mixta.

in #cookwithus6 years ago

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Este interesante asador es también un ahumador, es un artefacto hecho en casa con un barril de hierro cortado a la mitad aproximadamente. Se le elabora una estructura de cabillas de hierro para que se pueda colgar la carne de ellas sobre unas brasas a todo fuego de carbón vegetal.

En esta estructura se puede cocinar toda la carne, pollo y chorizos a la vez sin que baje su temperatura y todo quede bien asado. Cuando todo está acomodado dentro de la estructura se tapa para que el humo haga su trabajo y las carnes salgan bien cocidas y con el característico sabor y olor a humo.

This interesting steakhouse is also a smoker, it is a homemade artifact with an iron barrel cut in half approximately. A structure of iron bars is made so that the meat of them can be hung on coals to any charcoal fire.
In this structure you can cook all the meat, chicken and sausages at the same time without lowering their temperature and everything is well roasted. When everything is accommodated inside the structure, it is covered so that the smoke does its job and the meats come out well cooked and with the characteristic flavor and smell of smoke.

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En una parrilla mixta usamos pollo, carne de res, chorizos y carne de cerdo. Acompañamos con ensalada rayada de repollo y zanahorias y aderezamos con mayonesa.

La salsa que usamos para bañar las carnes es la Tártara, elaborada con mayonesa, a la que se le agrega un licuado de verduras verdes como cebolla en rama, ajo porro, pimentón y condimentamos con sal.

In a mixed grill we use chicken, beef, chorizo and pork. Serve with chopped salad of cabbage and carrots and garnish with mayonnaise.
The sauce we use to bathe the meat is the Tártara, made with mayonnaise, to which a green vegetable smoothie is added, such as onion, garlic, paprika and seasoned with salt.

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Estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi cámara Sony Digital Still 10.1 mp, el 06 de Enero para celebrar el Día de Reyes con los niños de la casa.

These photos were taken with my Sony Digital Still 10.1 mp camera, on January 6 to celebrate the Three Kings Day with the children of the house.


what a cool method of cooking! Learned something new! Looks delicious!

Is a good one and easy to built @whattheduck, thanks for comment

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Lo veo y se me hace agua la boca. Cómo me encanta una parrilla a término medio, la ensalada de igual manera se ve apetitosa, a todo eso le agregaría un buen juego de frutas.

Así es @gustavoadolfodca muy rico, con cocacola jajajaja

What a unique way to cook smoke your foods. The vegetable puree that is added to your mayonnaise is such a great way to flavor it. Yum!

Yes dear friend @loveself, is unique how do you say. Thank you for comment.

Hi @isabelpena! Welcome to Cook with Us! I love your bbq grill set up. Really cool! Your dish looks amazing and the meats look so nicely grilled. I bet the cabbage salad is so refreshing with the meats. Thanks for your entry and good luck this week!

Muchas gracias @chefsteve es un honor participar en su challenge.

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