Cook with Us #30 - More Brussel Sprouts Please...

in #cookwithus6 years ago

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It has come to my attention that some people do not know what a brussel sprout is.

I know, I know, I was just as shocked when I found out.

I am here to hopefully rectify and enlighten my fellow humans who have been missing out on this vegetable that is not only tasty, but highly nutritious and low in calories.

This weekend my mother was having a dinner party and asked me to help her out and make a vegetable. Of course I agreed because frankly, my mother is an incredible cook, but unfortunately when it comes to vegetables, not so much. I remember growing up my mom never made a large variety of vegetables, but when she did, they were overcooked, mushy and bland. Sorry, love you mom! Somehow I still enjoyed vegetables, I always have loved them. I was the one in school trading my tater tots for brussel sprouts and spinach. Then I started cooking and realized what a properly cooked vegetable taste like. What a difference! So for some time now, whenever vegetables are needed, I am usually the one cooking them up.

Back to the dinner party. It was lovely. Mom made a delicious meal. As dinner was served I hear a lot of chatter. Finally, someone asks me where I found the baby cabbage. I laughed of course. Until I realized it was not a joke. Brussels sprouts? they ask. Not one single person knew what I was talking about! What? Seriously? So obviously, I see the resemblance, but they are so much more! I began explaining all I could about buying, cleaning, and cooking these little gems. I am pleased to say, they all said they loved it and would be looking to purchase some on their next shopping trip.

Mission Accomplished! I felt so happy that I had something of value to share. I have decided to share this recipe for a few reasons, this recipe is quick, simple, and delicious. My children also request this recipe. They love it, can't get enough of it, that in itself for me is a reason to share. If you have never tried brussel sprouts, I urge you to try this recipe.

Without further ado, here it is;

-2 lb bag of brussel sprouts
-1 onion diced
-1 Tbsp brown sugar
-2 Tbsp butter
-1 Tbsp Oil
-Salt and Pepper to taste


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To clean the brussel sprouts, remove the out layer and cut off the bottom. Cut them in half. Rinse under warm water and set them aside.

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Time for the onions....

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Saute your diced onions in the oil with a little bit of salt and pepper until they have softened

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Now add your cleaned brussel sprouts

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Sprinkle the brown sugar and butter and mix. Cook for just a few minutes. They should be a beautiful bright green color. Do not overcook or they will become dull, and mushy. Taste a piece to check for doneness, and adjust salt and pepper. You can even add a little more sugar if you like. They should have a slightly sweet,nutty flavor, and be firm.

Remove from heat and serve!

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That is great that you taught your guests about Brussels sprouts! They are a tasty vegetable. I like how you add a little sugar to the sprouts to balance out the flavors. This is a really simple and delicious recipe. Thanks for sharing with us!

Glad you made it on time @dalipops - I love brussel sprouts and your photographs look great

I really do not love them.. but this way and in your photos looks delicious
Thank you for share..

I dont fancy vege so much but the way you took the pictures you sucessfully made me hungry for it hehe

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to not like Brussel sprouts but so love them now. To get everyone to like your dish the first time they tried it is remarkable and says a lot about how delicious your recipe is. Your photos make me crave a good serving of some crunchy Brussel sprouts!

These look delicious! I recently started making brussels sprouts too! I have only ever roasted them, so I am excited to try this next time I get some from the store!~ Thanks for sharing!

Hope you enjoy them, they are done so quickly.

These are one of my (and my husband's) favorite veggies! We eat them at least once a week.

Family favorite here too. Thanks for stopping by!

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