
I haven`t eaten like bread in nearly a year now. With a lot of the supermarket bread sometimes goes off even the day before it is meant to be expired. So I just eat like cream crackers instead put something in between them instead. In Scotland I always had homemade baked bread with homemade soup the advantage of having a mother who was raised up on the farm.

I had the same problem with bread, I got tired of wasting money , and nothing tastes better than mom's cooking, I'd send you some homemade bread , but you live so far away! Haha...

I think we just get brainwashed by our mother senses when we are young. I knew my mother was great at baking and cooking just like her mother too. Always remembered eating at mates houses with their family and their food tasted terrible to what my mother made for me.

My mom was a great cook, she's German , and fried everything ! But she made a hell of a Sunday supper ! And,yes, mothers do brainwash us to love their food, but as you get older, you develop your own tastes, like I never had pizza, french fries , or hamburgers until I moved out on my own, mom had 3 square meals a a day, plus snacks, now that I'm older, I've found a new addiction , deep fried pickles , fresh cut fries, and garlic mayo dip, something for you to try! But don't blame me if you get addicted! Haha 😂 👅

Anything of chocolate was banned in my mother`s house. Good thing was it gave me great skin as a teenager did not suffer from any mad out pour of teenage zits spots all over the face. Never drank coffee in my life as I see it like drinking dirt from the garden haha. Had pizza a few times but I feel it is like eating poison on poison for some reason. Junk food I prefer are like fried chicken and chips or fries, Jaffa Cakes a spongy type of biscuit layer cake, swiss roll cake and Pringles maybe once a month. Your garlic mayo should keep Dracula away from you at night haha or any crazy brides of Dracula too.

I was allowed to have chocolate at Easter and Christmas , and as for coffee , I love it, mixed half and half with hot chocolate , and pizza? I make my own sauce and crust, marinated chicken breast with fresh tomatoes , try it, it's good. Garlic mayo is up there with my other 2 favorite dips.......fresh dill garlic and curry mayo. Sounds like you need to broaden your horizons with food, just think like us crazy Canucks ! I don't eat junk food but when I do, it's corn chips! I'm thinking that maybe I'll have to send you a Canadian junk food package ! Bahaha 😂

I`m sure the delivery person would eat your junk food package up in a few minutes when they get bored sorting the mail out at their delivery office.
Always got my 3 selection boxes filled with sweets at Christmas ate like 3 Mars Bars early in the morning and stomach was then like a washing machine. I always thought after you eat one Mars and then eat another Mars straight after it just tasted weird the taste.
I think it is good to broaden your horizons putting your test buds to the full whack but I am not a big fan of hot spicy food. Maybe have like mild curries instead of those hot whacky ones haha. Which would leave me probably tossing and turning with a hot night of sweat. I once had around 4 Cornetto ice creams each one night with my mate she was like she had just popped out of a burning sauna with the sweat dripping off her as she has diabetes. After that she stopped eating ice cream haha.

I don't like spicy either, I buy the sweet curry! She's diabetic and ate 4 ice creams? She's nuts! My mom is diabetic takes 4 needles a day, as well as my older sister, I lucked out, I was 230 pounds, always tired, so I lost 120 pounds, I feel awesome ! Just have to watch what I eat, but I guess deep fried veggies are bad? Awwww, no, it's deep fried salad. I had the same problem with mars bars, the first one is good, but the second one tastes "tinny" and btw, I'd put a big rat trap on the top of the box, keeps the nosey buggers in their place! Hahaha

You can always train an eagle for transporting that fresh baked bread for me haha

Well, I have 2 green cheek conures, I could train them, but they swear!

So it is like Jurassic Park in your home? Haha

When I grew up in my childhood home was littered with animals like 3 dogs, 2 cats, indoor and outdoor cold water fish, tropical fish, terrapins, 3 gerbils, hamster, 2 budgies and birds in an aviary in the back garden too.

Nah, just a dog and 2 parrots that love to play peek a boo and say sound like you had your own personal zoo! That's cool!

My mother kept the home clean so it never stank of animals. Gave you like a responsibility having animals around you. I found one of my cats up in the local woods. The black cat just followed me around the woods and across the road from outside the woods. At first my mother would not let me keep the cat then I asked my auntie she said no. So I took the cat back home and asked my mother again so she said yes then named her Lucy. I remember going around to one of my mate`s house in his childhood. They had a messy home indoors dirty dishes everywhere no discipline the house stank of the dog and like where ever you looked to sit down it was covered in dogs hairs. When I got home out with the sellotape to pull all those dog hairs of my clothes and then for the wash as your clothes would stink of their dog.

My mom was the same way, if you had a pet, it was your responsibility , nothing worse than going to someone's house and getting enough pet hair on you that there's enough for another dog, I had a friend like that , her mother would ask me if I wanted a sandwich even though I'd be hungry enough to eat the butt hole out of a skunk, I'd be so grossed out that I had to swallow my spit, and the friend is just like her mom, and every Saturday in my house my parents called it "Susie Homemaker " day, clean room with the white glove inspection!

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