Is something good because God commands, or does God command it because it is good?

in #controversial7 years ago

If something is good just because God commands, so morality and obedience is the same thing. We would have no rational argument to say if something is good or bad because there would be no link between good and evil and the consequences of our actions. We would have no basis to criticize the suicide bombers who kill to honor Allah, since that is what is in the Quran. Or to criticize slavery since it is in the Bible, or homophobia.

On the other side, if you say that God commands something because it is good, then what is the origin of good and evil? This is called the Euthyphro Dilemma.


Honestly, I don't think anything commanded by "god's word" can be good nor bad. I stand 100% behind the 2nd option, that humans judge what is good (though this can still be very different from one's perspective).

That is also my personal opinion. I don't think morality is synonym to "obedience to a God". I think morality is based on reason and logic, by analyzing the practical consequences of our actions.

And if I am right, theists can not be called properly moral persons, but merely obedients.

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