Control Your Money: Responsibility, Freedom and CashsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #control7 years ago

What would happen if "We the People" finally had full
control and responsibility of our own money?

Would the world come "crashing down" if we all had
autonomy or total control of our own cash?

Would we be called anarchists, just because we
needed freedom from the bondage of debt and credit
webs complicating every future plan we could make?

People tend to make good decisions, unless we are
bound with choices that are limited or harmful in
some way that we have no control over.

Bankers don't want a crypto-frenzy. Banks want to
keep control over their money. It's not really their
(insert bank name) money.

When you use a secure digital wallet, what can the
bank do to take your money or charge a fee for you
using your own cash? Answer: The bank has no way
of charging you fees when you use a digital wallet!

How does the bank justify a fee (fees) or charge for
you making a withdrawal from an ATM not owned
by the bank? Answer: Use a digital wallet from
wherever you like. It's NOT owned by any bank.

Some bankers have been quite vocal about their
hatred of bitcoin and the Bitcoin network. One of
them is Jamie Dimon, for instance. Jamie Dimon
may even indicate his "fear" of bitcoin when he
says things like; "Someone is going to get killed."
That sounds like a serious threat of death to some
bitcoiners. Rationally, not too many bitcoiners will
take the "Someone is going to get killed." as a
"death threat," but some people might. Fear
mongering and subtle threats from bankers of any
kind is to be expected. Jamie Dimon also
threatened to "FIRE" any of his employees (as CEO
of JP Morgan Chase) if he found them using Bitcoin.
That's another big threat, the "We will fire you, threat!"
Sounds like at least one banker resembles a terrorist:

  1. "Someone is going to get killed."
  2. Jamie Dimon: "Using Bitcoin?, "Your FIRED !"

These bankers will issue threats because they are
afraid. They can't let go of their, I'm sorry, OUR

Without my sounding too religious, our G_D would
rather you take control and responsibility over your
own cash, rather than allowing someone else such
as an agent (bank) controlling your cash.

G_D is not a big fan of bankers.

Relax and Stay Calm. Don't Panic.

It's your own money and it's time for a change!


I can smell the change in the air mmmm soo nice

You smell... What? Be sarcastic if you want. I am not channeling Obama... Real CHANGE comes from a revolution. Decentralized digital currency is one revolution.

Indeed, I'm not kidding, I'm really happy and excited for the times ahead. You don't have to be defensive here, you're among friends here

@definitely, Are you a BANKER?
Well, whatever. I dont smell change in the air. When we can spend digital currency at Walmart or use electronic cash to buy food, clothing or shelter... That's when I will smell change.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57257.58
ETH 2345.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40