5 Countries whose independence is not recognized by the world, Number 2 is labeled as a successful country!

in #contries3 years ago (edited)

Do you know that there are countries whose independence is not recognized by the world.

There are many independent countries in the world, but in fact there are countries that are not recognized by the world.

Quoted via YouTube Data Facts, here are five countries whose independence is not recognized by the world.

  1. Transnistria

The country whose full name is The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is a small country to the east of Moldova and directly adjacent to Ukraine.

After the declaration of independence in 1992, Transnistria experienced strong resistance, especially from the Moldovan government, which until now considered this country to be under its sovereignty.

Although not recognized by the world, because all UN member states recognize their territory as part of De Jure Moldova, this country continues to focus on developing its country until it has a currency called The Transnistrian Ruble.

It is said that this country was only recognized by Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Illustration of Palestinian territories. / Reuters / Mohamad Torokman

  1. Taiwan

Taiwan developed into a modern city after the victory of communism in mainland China in 1949.

This caused 2,000,000 Chinese nationalists to flee to the island in eastern Asia and set up a government in 1971 in what is now Taiwan.

They fled because they did not agree with the communist ideology at that time.

Currently the Chinese government is working on how to reunite China as a whole. However, Taiwan itself has claimed independence from the time the Republic of China was founded January 1, 1912 until it moved to Taipei on December 7, 1949.

  1. Palestine

Nobody does not know the Palestinian state. However, the fact is that until now Palestine has not been fully recognized globally because its political status is still under debate.

As is well known, although the declaration of Palestinian independence was declared on November 15, 1998 in Algiers by the PNC and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in fact most Western countries such as Israel, the US, Canada, Spain, Britain, and others have not yet given recognition of Palestinian sovereignty. .

However, there are several countries like Indonesia that have recognized the sovereignty of this country.

It is even reported that 137 countries have established bilateral cooperation with Palestine.

  1. Israel

Who doesn't know the state of Israel? His name is increasingly famous throughout the afterlife because of his conflict with Palestine.

In 1947, the United Nations approved the division of Palestine into two states, namely, one Jewish state and one Arab state.

On May 14, 1948, Israel also proclaimed its independence. Conflict ensued.

Reportedly there are 32 countries that do not recognize Israel's sovereignty.

  1. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

This is not the famous Turkish state, but rather a country located to the North of the Republic of Cyprus and the Mediterranean islands.

From 1572 to 1878, this country was included in the Ottoman territory.

Then in 1925, the territory of this country fell into one of the British colonies.

Then in 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus declared independence supported by Turkey which was the former Ottoman empire.

Until now, this country is reportedly only recognized by Turkey. This country is also a member of the OIC (Organization for Islamic Cooperation) as an observer country. ***

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