Win SBD Forever - Just comment! - Multilingual Weekly Contest #8

in #contest6 years ago


I'm happy to announce the eight edition of #SBDforever contest!

But before I introduce the theme, it is time to reveal the winners for the seventh one! I was happy to receive the entries of @viking-ventures, @apple96, @myfreebtc, @mafaldation, @fplacido, @abduloniz, @sparkesy43, @naime-igaj, @flaviusbusck, @botefarm, @paradigm42, @focusnow and @diffuseloop!

I had to disqualify these entries for not complying with the rules. Come on guys... I need you to help me pay these shares. Please read the rules and do what they say, will you? :) @renad-ristic (rule 1), @newbiegames (rule 1), @riverflows (rule 1) and @mopelola (rules 1, 2)

So many entries! I'm very happy this easy contest has become a success :) The seventh edition didn't have enough author payout for two shares, I'm sorry... But that's fine, if you didn't win this time, just try again! I remember you that some winners have already been selected TWICE just by entering and being active on my blog!

Now for the prize!


I was happy for all the nice comments and recommendations. I should say my list of to-read books grew exponentially over the last week... Help... I need... More time...

Unfortunately there is only one winner this time. And the winner is... ... @sparkesy43! Although I'm not fan of wrestling, I see that his book really touched him and opened his eyes: isn't that the purpose of books?

You'll will receive the SBI share in a few days. Just check this spreadsheet if you're wondering if everything is alright.

Didn't win? No problem, just try again! Because here is...

...SBD Forever Round #8!


Here's this week's challenge!

Tell me about your city!

Where do you live? What can we visit there?

I live in Vila do Conde, a small town 20min north of Porto, Portugal. It lives very much the life of Porto but it's a quiet place with some nice beaches. There are some national monuments and archeological heritage... It's a beautiful place to live, trust me. Some pictures:



Best comment will win 1 Steem Basic Income share (worth 1 Steem), which means SBD FOREVER! That's right, no jokes:

You get a weekly income FOREVER. You just need to keep posting and you'll get the same amount in upvotes regardless of how many posts you make per week. The system just looks for your posting frequency and adjusts the income automatically. Seems impossible to maintain? Do you want to look at their maths? Here they are!

Some rules

  1. Upvote this post with 100%. The payout will help me with the cost of the share.
  2. Resteem this post, for the same reasons!
  3. Follow me if you enjoy my posts.
  4. Post ONE comment below with your entry
  5. Feel free to write in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
  6. If you already have a SBI share feel free to participate as well, since you can have many shares and get double income.
  7. The deadline for submissions is next Monday, 14 May, at 11am UTC. I'll announce the winners, if possible, that same day.
  8. If the author payout reaches more than 1$, I'll round up the prize to the nearest whole number and attribute more than one winner!

Ready... Set... Go!


Currently, I live in Casper, Wyoming.
It is a beautiful city with good amounts of winter snow and wind like you wouldn't believe! In fact, Windy City is one of our nicknames (along with Oil City) - and it's for better reason than Chicago! (Chicago, it was for the political hot air of the time... here, it's genuine wind.) In fact, I've never lived in a windier location - and that includes the coast!

We also have very abundant wildlife. The antelope and deer out-number the humans by far and we often see these critters inside our city of 50,000.

Casper enjoyed a good deal of renewal last year as it prepared for the awesome 2017 solar eclipse. We had NASA people here to study it because we were one of the most guaranteed places for clear and non-hazy skies in the entire country!

Yes, if you love sun, you can't go far wrong with Casper, Wyoming. It's sunny more often than not, without the major heat and humidity of the south. We also get awesome storms without the worries of monster tornadoes like you do in the midwest. Yes, we do get tornadoes, but they tend to stay small and sweet, causing only minimal damage. The casual storm-spotter's dream!

Get outside of town and there's hiking, boating, fishing, mountain climbing (we are on the eastern edge of the Rockies after all - sitting at 5100 feet in elevation.) Hunting, rockhounding, amazing scenery...

When you're tired of all that, come back to town for festivals, museums and rodeo!

Casper, Wyoming, really is a great place to be!

Thanks. You've managed to put a smile on my face on what has been an otherwise pretty challenging day.

The first entry is never the best. Plus it has longer to leave your mind. So did I just waste my entry? Only time will tell.

A tua cidade parece a mesma a mesma que a minha!! 😅
Até fazia plagio e colava aqui nos comentários a tua apresentação da cidade, pois não podia ser melhor!!
Vou só acrescentar umas fotos:
Espinheira - Touguinhó, Vila do Conde

Vila do Conde

Ponte Românica de São Miguel de Arcos - Vila do Conde

Hermosa! Gracias por compartir!

Uuui nem sabia destes sítios. Sou novato aqui, mesmo!

Eu sabia que não ias conhecer eheheh Vila do Conde é um espectáculo ;)

You are welcome @viking-ventures :)

Hey there! First I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity! This is the first time Im entering your contest but definitely not the last! Thanks again!

Im from a small town of 24,000 in Texas called Corsicana. We dont have very many places to go but what we do have is community. The people of Corsicana have a big love for their town. We are located an hour south of Dallas, which is known for quite a lot. We are known as the "Fruitcake capital", being the home of Collin Street Bakery. We do have a small craft airport, Navarro Community College, a beautiful lake, and many wonderful parks. Our downtown area is beautiful. Old brick streets are still used and the buildings are all the same unique buildings from the beginning. Some fun facts of Corsicana...

  • Corsicana was established in 1848 to serve as the seat of government for Navarro County, which the first Texas legislature had created two years earlier. The county was named after Jose Antonio Navarro, a Texas patriot. When asked what the new town should be called, Navarro replied, "Call it Corsicana after the island of Corsica, the birthplace of my father." Corsicana was a typical post-Civil War cotton town in the black lands of northeast central Texas. The city first adopted its Home Rule Charter in 1917 and last amended in May 2007.

  • Corsicana is where oil was first discovered west of the Mississippi, thus Corsicana became the first Texas oil boom town, and one of Texas' wealthiest cities.

  • In 1898, the state's first oil refinery was built by a new local company called Magnolia Petroleum Company (known today as Mobil). Another local startup, The Texas Company (Texaco) began shortly thereafter.

  • Corsicana was one of the first cities in Texas to use natural gas for lighting and fuel.

  • Lyman T. Davis first delivered his famous chili in downtown Corsicana in 1895. He started canning his chili in 1921 and named it "Wolf Brand" after his pet wolf. A picture of the wolf is still found on the label to this day. The company is now owned by ConAgra Foods.

Hope you enjoyed a small look into our little big town! Stop by a visit if youre ever in the area!

I wrote a post about my city, just a few days ago for a contest. Do you think it's okay if I use it to participate in your contest? Anyway, I'll leave the link.

For now, my country is going through a difficult time, but when this is over, the doors for tourism will open again.

Orinoco river and its legend

Since I am a fan of @steembasicincome, I thought I'd give this a try:

Our small city of about 10,000 people is located in western Washington state in the USA. Founded in the middle of the 1800's, Port Townsend would be considered "old" by most western US standards; it is one of just three "Victorian Seaports" on the USA National Register of Historic Places.

(view of Port Townsend Bay)
So what makes it worthy of being "historic?" The town sits at the opening of the Strait of Juan De Fuca where is becomes Puget Sound, and so has a direct connection to the Pacific Ocean. The founders of the city originally settled here because there is a natural protected bay and harbor, and they truly believed this would become "the San Francisco of the North."

Unfortunately, the dreams fell apart in the early 1900s when it was discovered that there really wasn't enough natural fresh water to (a) support the railroad and (b) support a large population center. When the railroads decided NOT to lay tracks to town, the economy pretty much collapsed.

(Main street on a busy summer day)
How badly did this affect town? It was not till the 1970's that the population again passed where it was in the 1890s!

For close to 80 years, our town was economically depressed and "falling apart," but then artists, writers and other free spirits moved in because they could get the old Victorian era mansions (in terrible condition!) for almost no money, and they started repairing things and bringing the city back to life.

(Farmer's Market)
Today, we have a thriving artists' community and the city has become a popular tourist destination. All the derelict buildings downtown have been repaired and most of the city core is a historic district. We have one of the best farmer's markets in the west of the state, as well as lots of conference and meeting facilities. From May till the end of September is "festival season," and there's some large event almost every weekend: Jazz festival, film festival, Celtic music festival, Writer's week, Steampunk festival-- the list is long.

According to our local Tourist center, we have between two and three million visitors per year... a LOT for a small place!

Thanks for putting on this challenge!


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