Homesteading and Gardening Weekly Contest - Win SBI, Upvote and ReSTEEM

in #contest5 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the first Homesteading and Gardening Weekly Contest!

So what is this contest and how can you get involved? Keep reading to find out.

Wild Homesteading is all about a belief that by working with nature you can grow you homestead, produce more food and support the natural environment around you.

Each week I have been sharing my own wild homesteading journey in 2 homesteading report posts. But now I want to hear from you all.

The Homesteading and Gardening Weekly Contest

So what are the rules for this contest and how can you get involved?

First, this contest runs weekly starting on Tuesday and ending at 5:00pm Pacific Time on the following Thursday.

On Tuesday I will make a contest announcement post (like this one!).

Once the post is live make your own post** that shares what you have done within the past week to grow your own food, raise your own animals, and/or build your homestead all while working with nature.

Reply to the weekly contest announcement post with a link to your post before 5pm Pacific Time on the following Thursday.

I will pick a winning entry based on how well you show how you are working with nature on you homestead or in your garden.

Make sure to frame you entry in terms of how you are getting results while working with nature.

You are more likely to win if you make it easy for me (and others) to see how you are working with nature!

The winner will get a SBI unit, a reSTEEM and full up-vote from me, and you will be highlighted in the Friday post announcing the winner and in the following Tuesday contest announcement post.

This is a great way to grow and gain new followers. Plus you will be helping to inspire others to become wild homesteaders!

So what are you waiting for? I look forward to seeing your entry!

Thank you!

PS: There might be an extra bonus to the winner this week to celebrate the first week of this contest! ;)


Weekly Blog Post

Follow me for more posts all about homesteading, working with nature, and growing your own food: @wildhomesteading

And check out my blog - for weekly in-depth posts on working with nature to grow your own food and start/build your homestead.


I hope this is okay. I've incorporated it in with my general, homesteading update.

Posted using Partiko Android

Of course! Thank you! :) I will add it to this week's contest!

I'm in the process of preparing my garden and greenhouse for the coming planting season, but I'm not sure if what I do would fit your contest guidelines of working with nature.
Still, I'm happy to see that you're starting a contest to support gardeners and homesteaders on steem.

Thank you! Working with nature can be big things or small things. Perhaps your garden prep is being done in a way that minimizes impact to the soil? Are you planning to plant any flowers to support pollinators? Or using mulch to keep bare soil to a minimum. There are a lot of little things and big things that can work :)

You've been visited by @nateonsteemit from Homesteaders Co-op.

Hey, that's a good contest! Kinda like @mariannewest's #gardencorner :) I'll try and remember to make an entry next week!

Homesteaders Co-op

A community marketplace of ethical, handmade and sustainable products available for STEEM, SBD (and USD):

follow: @homesteaderscoop

@nateonsteemit - just an FYI- the gardencorner is @sustainablelivin 👍😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the info! :)

You are welcome and I hope that you will join. I upvote from my main account since the Sustainablelivin one is still small

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Thank you! :) And thanks for the heads up about #gardencorner!

Good luck with your contest.

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You are welcome 😀

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So great what is the Theme of the contest? As i am in a climate where everything starts to grow just now it will take a while until i have some vegetables but everything is nice on bloom in my mini garden:)

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The theme is homesteading and gardening while working with nature. I want people to share what they are doing big and small to work with nature. This could be mulching, planting flowers to support pollinators, not tilling, planting perennials vegetables, etc. Lots of things :)

So I must post a link here to the post I make for the contest? No contest tag? Thanks!

At this point a link. I will figure out a tag soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

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